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Sun 10th Sep 2023 08:08

09/10/23-Pussy Carpet

by Jasper

Rock gave me a very beautiful blood stone and a gold shield with a symbol of Soru.
Attuned to shield 2/3 slots left.
Void of serenity doesn’t want him to come with him and wants us to return blackthorn home.
Serity is in carvalia.
Steal memories takes 10 min ritual. Jaz starts ritual. Steals memories from Void successfully. Look for Mercure.
Teleport to bring Blackthorn home.
Tells group about taking memories.
Persp check for animals for shed when all he smelt was his own armpits lol.
Blackthorn lives in a vineyard mansion. Jay likes it.
Enter his house. Old man-fine tailored suit.
Goes to take bath w/ Rock stealthily. Super awkward flirting.
Dinner with he Black Thorns. Chads being chad.
Jaz learns rock and cesura are “Black Wings”
Rock catches me and chad up on black wings history.
Learns rock works with shadow daddy diygonies.
Jas surprised Rock fought Uncle Strad and won.
Sends note to raven queen to search freyas memories for tomb of horrors.
Goes shopping in near by town. West side of city. Fields. Wooded roads, thick forest up until mile from city. Farmland cheep houses outside of wall that surrounds the city.
Busy city, crowded buildings. Wood astectic trees everywhere.
Buys half plate armor.