Faraway Towers by Julian | World Anvil

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Tue 25th Aug 2020 04:44

Faraway Towers

by Julian Adderley

It’s been a few weeks since we’ve left for Glacier’s Rest. I thought everything back in Reprieve looked strange and wonderful, but everything we saw on the same way mirrored that. I’m just glad we didn’t get too near Karin’s Reach. I...don’t want to go back.
The others asked around about the tower they saw in the visions. I wasn’t able to help: I’m bad at talking to people and...there’s that other thing, but I’m too embarrassed to admit it to the others.
We came across another tower and met Hydra. She’s a wizard. She seems a bit...intimidating but she has a really beautiful house. I wish I could have a house like that. She was able to help us find the tower too.
The corrupted tower feels...wrong. I hope we can save the one who was affected by it.

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  1. A Step Forward
  2. Faraway Towers