A Step Forward by Julian | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Aug 2020 03:49

A Step Forward

by Julian Adderley

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve left the Frostweave. I knew things would be different, I just didn’t expect...so much has happened.
I have met with some other adventurers who I’m supposed to work with. They’re...unique. Jormungandr assures me they’re capable, and while I’m a bit apprehensive, I trust him. I owe him so much after all.
We were on board a ship heading to our destination when we were attacked. I was so scared, so much was happening. At one point, we had to fight a large squid thing and Jormungandr got thrown overboard. But we managed to pull through, and even got a reward, though I’m not sure I did much to help.
I made two new friends! The first was a druid named Selphie, and she was a person! Not an animal! Not that I don’t love animals, I mean, I do, but my first person friend! She also likes animals, so it’s even better. Then I also met Fenrir. He’s a large wolf that was tangled up in some brambles. Selphie helped take care of him, and I’ve really grown attached to him. So has he I think, so I decided I’m going to keep him and train him!
I’ve been very apprehensive about starting out, and about our first real mission coming up soon, but maybe things will be better.

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  1. A Step Forward
  2. Faraway Towers