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Mon 2nd Oct 2023 09:03

Session 0: Meeting the Crew

by Yunseul Starflower

I wonder what’s for dinn-oh, it’s Lee. He’s asking me something…. Savis? Oh. He means Scales. Scales likes rocks. I should give Lee this rock to give to Scales. He’s looking at me weird. Am I being weird?
AH-was that an explosion??
Hmm…It was Shurr. I Shurr have guessed…heh-no, that’s not funny. Talia is here. She must have heard the explosion too. Well, of course she did. She’s not deaf. She’s so…she’s so bright.
Aether crystals. They keep exploding them. They want to make traps with them. That would be useful… I have a crystal in my chest. I should point that out in case they accidentally explode mine…. …Now they’re staring at my chest. Oh…they’re drawing it. They draw nice.
There’s a noodle around the cat. Come here, noodle.
I remember Shurr said they were an outcast. Were they bullied like me? What should I say? OH TITANS I ASKED THEM IF THEY ARE RACIST FU-
Huh? Dragon? Earth dragon? I should…I should take charge, yes? Uhhhhhh I’ve been standing here too long. May the Shadows aid me.

I can see now.
“Eduard and Lee! Evasive maneuvers! Someone help me with this ballista!”
Fall, you beast.
We did it. Shurr is a good shot. Talia helped with the ballista. Lee will make an excellent pilot one day with Eduard’s aid. I think this whole group has incredible talent. Do they…think I work well with them? What am I doing just standing here, I should give them praise. …Nevermind, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. I sounded stupid. So very stupid. So so so so stup-
Ah..Talia is…she wants a hug. I’ve hugged her a few times. She reminds me of laying on the beach, the sand warmed by the sun and the gentle scent of the sea. I’m getting carried away. I have been standing here too long. I’ll hug her now.
She’s warm. Now she’s spinning me. This…feels nice. Though I must not stain the Light….
Now. The ruins approach.