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Mon 2nd Oct 2023 09:07

Session 1: The Snake Temple Sky Ruin

by Yunseul Starflower

Earth ruins.... They like noodles here too, it seems.
Shurr has pretty rocks. Huh? They're asking me to take one.... I guess the obsidian one calls most similarly to the shadows.
This room is very nice. There's a puzzle, too.

In the earth's embrace, wisdom lies,
Seek the serpent's unblinking eyes.
Turn the stone to match its gaze,
Or be caught in the serpent's maze.

I should maybe check the movements of the serpent wardens in case one of them does not follow us.
All of these wardens are corrupted according to the symbols on them.
Maybe try it sneaking in case they also go by sound? Actually, are any of them with closed ey-"
Oh, Talia is asking me to stand here. I wonder wh-
Something tells me we didn't get the puzzle correct.
Time to fight. Is my shortbow alright? It feels a bit stiff. Agh....
These things are as fragile as gypsum. That went by quickly.
This room is peculiar. Spikes on the ceiling. Does that mean the ceiling could fall or just the spikes?
There's a bridge with sand of different colours on the tiles. One of the colours must be a trap. I imaging it's the darker one....yes, it is. And the trap are the spikes.
That was easy. I can see Eduard watching us closely.
This next room has more serpent wardens. ones. Not like the statues from the first room.
There's an altar with light, and the wardens are praying.
Eduard is so LOUD - gosh. But we should try to get by with as little hostility as possible.
Could an illusion work? No, the space is too big. Then maybe we should just sneak along the outside of the r-
...Lee just ran in there and froze in that light. Why did he run? Did something scare him? We're all just standing here now, just as frozen as Lee.
The wardens are moving now. One of them is picking up Lee and moving him to the edge of the room. They don't seem hostile.
Ah, they spotted us. Of course, I completely forgot Talia is essentially a tiny lighthouse right now.
Shurr is trying to reason with them, I think? ...Nevermind, they seem mad. I wonder what they said.
Time for battle, I suppose.
That one warden was strong. Literally knocked me on my ass, ugh. And the rocks weren't even pretty.
Eduard is a really good fighter....
They all are, really.
But I am glad we are here with Eduard. I can't imagine we'd get through as easily with say...Hideo.
We're all taking a breather while Talia heals us. That's good.
I'm trying not to use my laws so much, so I've only activated it once so far.
The deeper we go, the more deadly our encounters could be.
I just hope it's not so bad.