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Sun 18th Dec 2022 01:34


by Xander Wisperwood

mersions cantract
magic is not alowd.
you will working for them
1 slive coin every day
get payd every 10 days.
if we make troble we will be called in.
we ville be expektet to work profecenely
if we fail we wille not get payt
we are citesent not gard
limmedet right to use force.
perferly not killeing
any kide og necromantik and change mide is iligel
we will be expektet to take care of spichale mision as well.
if we get promison we can arest some one.
there is some murder whet look like thay have bean kill by beast
the gaurds is to buisy by other stof and to little info to figuer
out what is doing that
5 murder in the last week.
2 lead
first lead a famely of 4 was killed 3 days ago
second lead the nabor on the other side might have sean somthing but thay cant get him til talk.
we come to the house and see the front door i bronek down by force. we find the window broken by a peice of wood thowen tho the window. one the second flow we we find some paper weht some kinde of magic inscription and a sepret fingers whet a ring there show smal ipulse of magic on it.
there is a clere evedens that the famelie whas killd in there beds show by the blood shater all over the wall.
we found paper over whate the famely hade for intect and what thay use form there tresury.
after we have looked at the ring it was a password whet will make a mark appere the pasword is stil unknowen.
in the evning we finde a house who is broken into we find 3 men and 2 dogs who is attaking the famely. we stop the assult we kill 2 of the men and get one knok out and we kill the 2 dogs. we find a woman alive but bruse but alive and we allert the gauds to get the man into costety.
alle the mans have the sympel of the empayers.

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