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Sat 17th Dec 2022 09:36

The adventuer

by Xander Wisperwood

the story starts 157 after the god disapert the 4 aera of man. and 70 yera after the magic aperet and 70 year ago the vampyer aperet. the (6 of ches) the 3 month of the year.
we start in Enderland a miletary provins who follow the god of war. there is romer about at creater only know as the great beast but no one is alowd to talk about it. the land is in war but ever sins the vampyer came there ahve been a satil mate. the castinen provinse is on a holy crusade to kill all magic caster
a prinses from the chanault empier have disapert.
valakan clan is in war the 6 bigest trypes
right now it dosent feal like there is peas anywhere.

The warm plase
a chep plaes where it is clean and there is food.
owner a woman whet the name Astrid Barrett a bit hevy bones and her hear is setting into a bon
just come out of the kichen for the rush our.
a nice lady who is weard out by strange behavier
and food is in the price.
the lazy drake (picher off the drake there is laying on a fireplace)
own by silvian saval haff elff fra the chaiv kaingdom
motest but nice.

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