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Sun 26th Jun 2022 07:59

Bound by idiocy.

by Lady Elina Brightworth

Wounds have mostly healed, courtesy of occasional visits to the Leviathan's infirmary. Old leather armor has been scrapped, too many hours spent repairing it. Especially with how much repeated force damage from eldritch blasts it has sustained. Replaced with partial chain, I wear it under my robes. My robes are still in good condition, I wash them every other day and check for tears and rips. I believe I should invest in different clothing, just to give my current clothing a break. We're on our way to my home though... I suppose I could wait until my return to see if there is anything from my wardrobe that I'd like to try again. I mostly left the fancy silks and rare leathers to my sister and brother though. I wonder what it will be like when I return, if anythings changed.
I hope that they've kept Alton's shrine maintained.
I still pray for his soul, even though its likely he still serves his darkness, even in death. Kelemvor does not answer me, though sometimes I still dream of the misty fog and the rocky fields of the afterlife that I viewed for brief moments in my journey. other news I've sold my nodachi in return for something more easily wielded from the Leviathan's requisitions booth, a katana with a honed edge, originating from home. Ideally I'd like to try new weapons and perhaps learn new skills, but for now its best I rely on my training, now more than ever. I also retrieved a rare artifact, a gold coin of which I have not seen an equal. I keep it within the enclosed pocket of my sleeve in my robes, a modification to my clothing that Maru had taught me to make. It does not seem all too unique, though it is indeed magical in some inexplicable way.
Oh, I suppose I should mention the fact that this long after the time which I have found Rowan in the bandit camp encased in a box and the banquet. The banquet was... of little success, though Lady Everis indeed continues to breath, so it was a partial victory. We are on the run now however, apparent traitors to Estovia and its Lord Regent. It was only thanks to Captain Kestus and the crew of the Leviathan that we were able to escape, though tensions were high for a while as Kara and her brother are not on the best of terms even now.
We make way for Solveis, there I hope to be provided diplomatic sanctuary from my brother. Even if we do not acquire said sanctuary there is always the choice to join the crew of the Leviathan, however. One that I have come close to accepting, though I hold back still awaiting council from my traveling companions.
Speaking of my traveling companions, I've come to appreciate them somewhat. They've proven reliable when we were pushed to the edge during the banquet disaster. Even while we failed in a technical sense I feel that if I were to attempt any of the things I did that day without them... well, I'd probably be meeting Kelemvor much sooner than expected. If only my master could see me now, though she would probably not approve of me traveling with a group. Among her main tenants was that a Paladin of Kelemvor could not have distracting connections to the world around them. In the way a gardener lovingly nurtures a plant, though is not all too concerned with its death aside from preventing the next.
I suppose that is why Kelemvor has denied me his faith.
This is a road I will track when it comes to it, and I will walk it with open eyes, but for now my sense of duty to these people remains resolute. My goals remain the same, keep my companions safe, keep the innocent safe, and destroy all evil within my sight. The next time I see Lydia I hope I will have the chance to finally defeat her, to stop her from harming any more people.
My companions seem in OK spirits, Claire and Gerath have signed on to be with the crew of the Leviathan, though I wished that they had discussed the contract with the rest of the group. I hope I have not offended them in some way that make it seem like my goals are of conflict with theirs, I hope to try and help them get the best of things. My concern for Rowan remains, especially now that we can confirm that her former best friend has been impersonating her in Estovia. I will keep her under my watch for both our protection and hers, while I've come to trust her judgement and active investigative mind I worry about that girls self preservation.
Her plans have mostly not failed us in the sense that any of us were killed, so I trust her, though in the future I hope to be able to work together more and have more input. Our combined efforts during the last event were truly what made us succeed as much as we did.
Oh, I received a strange messenger bird that came from the direction of Estovia the other day, it carried a letter which was stamped with the wax seal of the House of Nonya. It did not take a world class detective to deduce who sent me it, though against my better judgement I did open it.
Maru of course, was in Felspear. I thank the gods everyday that we did not see each other face to face otherwise my week would have been... significantly worse. She has Ollie and actually promised in plain text without any threats or insults that she would take care of him. It was actually quite sweet. She of course ended the letter with 'Hope this letter reaches your rotting corpse <3 <3 <3, Ollie gives his love etc etc."
Aside from... all of that... its been pretty peaceful.