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Wed 21st Jul 2021 01:21

Semi-Indepth thoughts on travel companions.

by Lady Elina Brightworth

Gerath; Strange. Reminds me of Shiro. A little too posh and very nervous. Easily distracted sometimes, but something tells me he's good at heart. A little voice in the back of my head tells me he's nervous for a darker reason. I ignore it. This group seems to have a lot of secrets they'd much rather hide.
Claire; Bold. Has a lot of heart for someone of her size. Has a bit of a habit of getting into trouble, not that I've seen much except for the end of her less than bright ideas. People with that kind of bravado tend to feel like they have something to prove, I only hope with all of her talk that she doesn't end up in a situation we can't bail her out of.
Wren; An interesting individual to be sure, someone who is unequivocally friendly first, if previous interactions have shown. They've shown themselves to be a thief by our first interaction, but can I truly come to any conclusions about their character by that alone? I feel as though I can take their kindness at face-value.
Rowan; No, I don't think I have the energy for that one. (Ok, fine. She seems to have a lot going on with her, but at times I find her unreasonable. While I understand that she seems to have more experience than many of us in most of the current... situation, some of the moments I've shared with her do not fill me with a great image. Perhaps I am being too harsh, or it is because out of all of the people here I have spent the most time partaking in adventures with her, but at times she seems almost... self focused and prioritized on filling her own individual goals. I suppose I understand somewhat- out of everyone here she actually has a fleshed out reason for being here as part of the church and having a friend who was supposedly taken by this cult. But I can't help but feel that she tends to talk over people frequently, not quite asking us what we think and when I have tried once to say how I believe we should proceed with a situation she had said something along the lines of 'We can't just sit here we have to do something'. I feel... frustrated sometimes. This entry itself is longer than all the others and it hasn't even fully filled out how I feel about the owl-bear incident or the time I apparently tried to kill her in a dream.
I sincerely do not think I have the energy for it. I am at the very least glad she has her heart in the right place- I only wish she was a little bit more... engaging with her other party members I suppose.)
Fishel; He comes and goes. Surely there's more to him than his... lack of... thinking? Not much I can conclude from his abilities.
Armin; He tried to kill me in a dream once. Other than that he's a solid guy who has offered me employment more than once. He reminds me of my father, I should ask him if they have met on any adventures.
Kara; I know there's more than meets the eye with her. I feel as though I recognize her from somewhere but I refuse to entertain the thought further than that. After what shes been through, she deserves her privacy.
Kestis; Needs further research. Despite trying to kill me, I feel a sense of mutual respect with him. He has offered me employment if my current arrangements fall out. Only time will tell if I take him up on his offer.

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