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Chapter 4, Session 20

Deneir Theater

by Dr. Finch Okafor

Dear Phoebe,
I have witnessed Captain Zellias Vance-Arland cast the spell Fireball FOUR times since I’ve met him, and he has centered himself in the blast for THREE of them. The most recent two weren’t even twelve hours apart!
I’m not getting paid enough for this.
I’m not getting paid at all.
In broad strokes once again (and I apologize in advance - I know I’m driving you absolutely insane by leaving out key details. I’m aware you know WHY I’m leaving them out, but I still feel terrible), we managed to locate the remains of a temple to Deneir. Finding it was not easy, and getting to it nearly killed us, but we made it in the end. The building was abandoned, naturally, save for a skeleton staff of Eidolons, Spectators, Mind Witnesses, and a Gauth. As you can imagine, they were not happy with our presence. But, as you can probably infer from this letter, those creatures are no longer haunting that edifice of knowledge.
Even abandoned and in disrepair, the entire structure was truly magnificent. It was exactly the sort of place you and I would happily have become lost in before it was abandoned. Room after room lined with shelves, crammed floor to ceiling with books of all sorts. Time has damaged the majority of those books beyond repair, and an impulsive Fireball from the captain took care of the rest. That particular bastion of knowledge was lost long before we set foot inside, but my part in the completion of that loss still pains me. Perhaps there were still volumes there that were worth saving, but I’ll never know now.
We didn’t find Deneir, unfortunately, but we did find a digital backup. How one can make a digital backup of a GOD I have no idea, but that is what we found. The AI was able to answer some of our questions, but time has damaged that database nearly as badly as it had damaged the books. The AI was unaware the gods have disappeared, and was only able to tell us their last known location, at least as far as it knew: A place called, most unhelpfully, "God World".
I’m no closer to finding Kelemvor than I was before we braved the dangers to reach Deneir’s temple. All we got for our troubles are more questions than answers. I’m frustrated beyond description, but I’m not giving up yet.
We have one more lead to follow up on - I’ll write again to tell you as much as I can after we’re inevitably chased off world by the Authority.
Take Care -
All my Love,

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  1. A Letter Home
    Chapter 2, Session 6
  2. After the Ruin
    Chapter 2, Session 9
  3. Toppling a God
    Chapter 2, Session 12
  4. The Settling Dust
    Chapter 3, Session 17
  5. Deneir Theater
    Chapter 4, Session 20
  6. The Lunar Epilogue
    Chapter 5, Session 26
  7. Cutting the Power
    Chapter 6, Session 35