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Tue 4th Apr 2023 12:07

Meeting the locals and invaders

by Priest of Bahamut Ludwig Schildenritter

The day started early as we walked to reach the town of Kimokawa before the noon had passed.
We arrived at the city, and with the help of Melisandre's magic and Azami, we managed to get an audience with the local Lord. Lord Toshiki Takahashi.
We entered a parley, exchanging information, not sure what to part with in exchange for what was given and promised to us, we asked to be excused for a moment to discuss what we would divulge.
The lord accepted on the condition we fulfil a task for him, under those conditions we did accept and eventually reached an agreement.
We learned more about the Vault of the Ancients, as well as the location of some other relics inside the Vault apparently...
The task he had laid before us was to meet with the Locals and help them defend a settlement of Lizardman from Strinthites.
We set out with due haste, reaching the village after about half a week's travel.
At first we were met with understandable hostility due to the actions of the Strinthites.
Melisandre having learned the local language talked with them to explain we were not with those traitors of creation.
Their... what we then assumed leader was who we then met with, Extlap-Hi.
He told us they could destroy the artillery the Strinthites had brought and that there was a black dragon so we prepared for battle.
We set out as soon as talks ended, pushing to the battlefield where the Lightning Cannons were stationed. I had been given two Beacons to place under the Lightning Cannons.
After a bit of a messy scuffle we placed both beacons after being slightly charred by them.
Once we dealt with the rif-raf of fanatics that remained we were to celebrate not seeing the Black Dragon... but then I heard a voice and taunted it knowing it to be a dragon Archon.
I could not let such a heathen go unscolded. Her name was Racharak.
As we fought I learned a couple of important weaknesses it possessed, it was different to normal black dragons, who possess no particular strengths, nor weaknesses. I learned it was resistant to all physical weapons not made of Cold Iron or Admantine as I threw a handful of small shavings at her.
Another odd weakness she possessed seemingly was a weakness to positive energies, much like an undead... but unlike an undead healing magic may work on her normally... I don't think testing that hypothesis would have worked out well for us.
As we whittled her down she fled through a Dimension Door spell.
Once she had left far enough we turned back to Extlap, who told us about the Slaan.... the highest amongst the Lizardmen. We'd be given a rest whilst he conversed with them to see if they were amicable to a conversation with our band of merry adventurers.

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  1. Meeting the locals and invaders