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Sigfried, Day 4

Collecting OOPs

by Adventurer for Hire Sigfried Laughter

[Need to Write]
1. begin woken up at 3 am
2. velma explaining how the cannon works 2 hours
3. us in the cannon for 3 hours
4. us arriving outside of city of rockport
5. we go to a yarn shop and nana gets nearly indestructable golden yarn
6. we go to fantasy waffle house, gibson get's kicked out
7. we head to rockport limited train station
8. we are greated by a conductor at the station
9. we are brought to our train by another conductor and are shown to our seets, he leaves the train
1o. Jenkens greets us and gives us a tour of the train and sigfried gets caught trying to put an alarm on the safe's door.
11. we hand over our weapons
12. nana and Elliwick chat up the kid and knits
13. Gibson, Hjuldrak, and I plan out what we are going to do
14. Elliwick wanders off
15. Brunch is called over the intercom
16. Gibson and juicy wizard
17. Hjuldrak, elliwick and jess the beheader
18. nanna and myself
19. Hjuldrak and Elliwck verbally assualt jenkins
20. we go to our room
21. kid wants to talk to us
22. he knows who we are and that we did not kill lemmon kessler
23. book told him to detain us
24. book called elliwick a liar.
25. we hear a scream from the seating car
26. we find jenkens dead on the floor
27. flaming giant crab on the ceiling
28. unconscous juicy wizard on floor
29. battle the flaming giant crab
30. we interrogate wizard, angus, and jess, and harold
31. i locate object and find that the port wand is in the safe area
32. angus points outt that jenkens is the killer, that hudson has a spell cast on him to look like jenkens
33. nana ties elliwick onto her back and spider climbs towards the kaboose.
34. I cast summon beast to follow along
______ 07.23.21______
City on the move, the city of industry like disenchanment they cared it out of the mountain. there are some buil,lding smad eout of rock, wood, etc. now steam cars. we were woken up at 3am, fired out of cannan 5am, we were in the ball for 3 hours, it is now 8 am. We were all given bracers that belong to the guild of mysteries they function as the the same as the stones of farspeech and can call the pod when we are ready to leave.
8am: train leaves at 10 am.
We go to a yarn shoppe for nana, a store front int he market place, lulu's yarn barn. They have a special on the pink yarn balls. By 5 get the 6th one free. Nana is not impressed. One singl eball of yarn, looks liek gold rope. The hightest quality, industructable. Costs about 50. Nana wants to make a shawl of armor.
tickets say all inclusve
We go to fantasy waffle house, dorine serves us.
Bob doesn't seem to hear any of the orders.
Fran was kicked out for being a droid
9:15 am
large train stating
at the entrance there is a jlarge ticket booth, a guy in the train cundcuter uniform
John greets
Lemmland Kesler plus 5 guests
Platform 5
there is a nother station conductor, Tom
we follow him, we ahve all inclusve first class passes a luxury train.
We are greeted by another conductor , thrid, big bowtie, multi colored holigraphic bow tie, it changes colros when he moves aournd. Jenkins, elf. He will be serving us on the Rockport Limited. he gives us the grand tour. all the amenities on the trian. His bow tie is a Flair. They are allwed to wear a peice of flair on Wednesdays. He might have ocd. His bow was enchanted to have all those diferetn colors.
We are given a tour of the train. Sigfried gets cautght trying to put an alarm spell on the door of the safe.
a child, angess mcdonald, male. going to see his grandfather in Aurora. Has a large book that he immeditatly closes when nana sits down next to him. Says that they are transfering artifacts. Angess has a few valuables too. He is from Rockport. He is bring silverware to his granfather because he wants to see them before he passes away.
Elliwick leaves the car and goes to the lugage car. She is stopped infront of the dining car by jenkens. She asks where the beds are to not get caught.
As soon as she is out the door, Elliwick heads to the room that is ours to inspect it. There is a small washroom, toilet. Not much here. Nothing weird about it.
Huljrac, Gibson, and Sigfried go and sit down together. Recon on the passangers. "watch man" is bait.
Will be passing through "The Spine" trough cave mountains and bridges. A 5 hour long trip.
The wizard gets up and walks through the door and walks towards the sleeping cars. You see him go to the pleasure room, jenkens activatres the pleasure room and stands outside the door of the pleasure room.
The speakers go off saying that brunch is ready. The wizard comes through the doors. Elliwick sneaks up behind Jenkins to scare him. He is annoyed and startled. Brunch is ready. Jenkins brings around a cart with sandwiches, pancases, sausages, orange juice, ommlettes, keishes, but no oatmeal for nana. Alchol will be served later, memosas are served at breakfast.
dwarf, elliwick and huljack, She is the raining champion The Neverwinter fighting league. Jess the Behader. An impressive title. Lays a smackdown with her soul bound axe. She karate chops the table. She kisses her arm, sportingly. Soul bound axes: she snaps her fingers, her great axe apears in her hands, she makes sure Jenkins doesn't seem. She lets go of it and it dissapears. She gives Elliwick a signature. The greatest battle, a pirest now, lord of kord, randle. She kicked his ass so hard he had to find god now. She was visiting family back in rockportt. The third stop is Neverwitner, she is going back home. She goes on this train all the time. Her next match is sometime next week, she is going to fight Mister Imperfect. Huljak is very enammored by her. Hujak tells her that they came from Rockport, tells her that she is from downbelow Aurora. They like to mess with old elf bones. She seems put off that Huljak is one of the dwarves that play with the bones. Hulak has a "tan". Huljak tries to show his enthusiasm of bones to her. She can adimire someone who enjoys a hobby like he does. She takes out 6 comp tickets to her next match. He likes the cut of his beard. Huljak gets a signature. "Jess the Beholder, for my bone loving fan, maybe we can bone later"
Wizard and Gibson sit at a tble together. Gibson tells him about his magical awkening. He is gorging himself with food. Tells Gibson tells him what is cooler than magic, steam engine. He is here doing some recon work, he applied to work for the Rockport train, he failed the exam. He wants to be a magical conductor like Jenkens. He loves trains. He is here to do recon. When he is not stuffing his face, he is intently studying Jenkens and his port want. He knows a lot about this train. Gibson asks "how would you get around if you didn't want to get around unnotied" swing around the train cars. Kind of connected together you know. "Anything magical about the train" The fire is lit with natural gasses, propaine. A lot more efficient. Steam powered. The gas just lights the flame. The Crypto Safe and the pleasure room is the only magical thing about the train. The wizard doesn't want to share his pleasure experience. Gibson likes practicing his cake decorating. The wizard is very excited about Gibson being a cake decorating and chef. He almost loves food as much as he loves train. Gibson offers to make a train made out of food. The wizard will make his mouth the tunne. The safe is only on their high end trains. He would love to see inside the engine room. The engineer has to place his hand on the safe for one whole hour uninteruppted to unlock the door. He is a conjuration wizard. His name is Graham.
The mountains are all around us. The mountains are coming.
Sigfriend and Nana are talking. Nana is motivated to get her prize rose bush that his grandson. She is going to give him a lashing when she finds him. Nana spoke to the child seems like he is a good boy.
Elliwick talks to Garcia, a transparent rat inside the bottle. The Grateful spirit. She tells Garcia that they are on a train. He then gives Elliwick another random book. The lusty argonian maid very graphic book. He gets them from the multiverse. Quantim physics for kids was the first book. Garcia was just a little field mouse before this. Ellick shows Garcia the mountains. She thinks this is a little too much for her to take in.
Elliwck starts reading the smutty book. Jenkins doesn't seem to like the book, makes a face. Huljak reads aloud the book. Jenkins want us to take us to the book reading to our rooms. He doesn't like this. This goes on for far too long.
Jenkins feels literaly ill.
Jess heads to bed. The Graham wizard heads to passenger train. The kid walks down the halls towards the passenger car.
The kid stops us, Anges mcdonld, the greates boy detective in the world, self proclamed, anialitycal minds, keeping secrets. the boy knows all our names, has a book with all of our information. The book magiclaly changes to liar when Elliwick tries to lie about her name. Time we boarded, time we left.
Please detain. He thinks we didn't kill the real Lemmon kessler. Rockplate slayer and stealling their most valuable possesions. The mo of the Rockplate slayer kills very rich people and steals the most prized possesion. Jenkens walk by with the drink cart.
"I am a man of duty and then all my children died"
"He doesn't hate cats"
"I don't want to talk about spreading my seed"
"When you gaze upon my beard, what do you feel?"
"Watermellon Breasts"
"The school of Juice"
"He likes the cut of his beard"
"There are no Tabaxis aloud on this Train"
2. passenger car: take a seat and enjoy the view from the windows.
he knocks on the door to the next room and it opens (hudson opens the door)
1. engineer car,
engineer: hudson elf. he collects weapons for the duration of the trip.
eliwick hands over 2 plane daggers, sigfriend hands over 1 dagger. The door remains locked until our destination, under no reason will the doors be unlocked.
3. sleeping carts: where we can take naps and sleep.
4. Dinner car, in half an hour they will be serving brunch.
5. Pleasure Cart. Walk through the doors. He takes out a wooden want with a crystal on the tip, it can transport you to another location, as long as you can remiain in the confines of the room it self. The port wand can open a portal anywhere. he raises his wand and flicks it around. it changes to his personal green house back in his home. Trees and bushes and all kinds of plant life that he has personaly tended. Any objects taken in the pleasure room cannot leave the pleasue room. It can take anywhere you have or have not been.
6. luggage car. A big black safe in the center of the room. Sigfried got caught about to cast the alarm spell. we are lead back to the passanger car.
There are no tabaxis aloud, there are no feline on the train today.
Lemon Kessler
given bracers of mysteries, to call the pod, and communicate with eachother.
based off adventure zone
______ 07.27.2021______
We hear a scream, it sounds feminine but looks like jenkis, missing his head and his hands.
We also see the body of the juicy wizard on the floor.
Angus has one level in wizardy
Missing the port wand
the cut on the hands is really bad, the cut on the head is clean. Looks like the hands were ripped out.
Doesn't seem like much of a struggle.
Juicy wizard is alive.
He points up
A gaint flaming crab
drops down
"My brother before my beheder"

Continue reading...

  1. Waiting for Adventure
    Sigfried, Session 0
  2. Call to Adventure
    Sigfried, Day 1
  3. Lord Fredric and the Thessalhydra
    Sigfried, Day 2
  4. Battling the Thessalhydra
    Sigfried, Day 3
  5. Collecting OOPs
    Sigfried, Day 4