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Sigfried, Day 3

Battling the Thessalhydra

by Adventurer for Hire Sigfried Laughter

[Need to Write]
1. Entering the cave
2. finding the secret pathway
3. attrackign the troglodites towards us
4. mage handing a stalatlite, and subsiquently killing one
5. elliwick tossing a rock, sigfried making it invisible and creating a spector in front of them
6. spector chasing them out of the cave causing the troglodites to battle a toad
7. us finidng an alter agian
8. battling the thessalhydra
9. collecting 8 heads
10. going back to the castle
11. giving philip the heads
12. lord fredrick taking us under the castle to the secret parts
13. explaing the gang better and the kingdom and opps
14. us going to fantasy costco
15. us going to fantastsy olvie garden
16. elliwick sortign her cargo shorts out
17. writing to my mum
18. going to bed
We return to the castle. Nana and Lord Frederick start flirting. We give two ThestleHydra heads to Philip, a guard places them into a very deep, endless pit.
They seem to be made from the ruins of the ancient elvish city, the guild of mysteries, a guild established to protect the world from unnatural mysteries and protect the world from it.
Two women walk up, Lady Daphne in a red dress, yellow hair and reins over Borealass and Lady Velma of Australias. Lord Norvil reins over the forest city of Elis. Together with all the Kingdom of the Cilvian of Trust. All the smaller Kingdoms formed to create to defend themselves against larger cities.
These ruins are larger than the castle. We see dwarves messing with machines, forging armor, etc. along the sides of the wall. Most are the elders of Leo’s characters. Only certain elders are aloud here in this part of the city. Only the most honored dwarves are aloud to pass the catacombs into the underground areas of the castle. Leo’s character hadn’t earned their place before today.
The thestlehydra was just a trial. We are new members to the secret society. Lady Velma introduces the Concept of objects of power (OOPS otherworldly and extremely dangerous. Mistakes against nature. They have several seekers that have been tracking down objects. 8 objects of power out there (might change later). Each extremely dangerous, cannot allow to fall inot the wrong hands. They have developed way to destroy them, a chamber dedicated to that. We see several mirrors in the room, we are looking into the observation room from above, she pulls a lever, and several lights bounce off the mirror and destroyed the test objects.
Garfield has aided with the construction of this machine. He is a trusted alley.
They give us quarters to stay at, we will be paid upon completion of our work. We will be paid for the thistlehydra 100 gp, 100 credits to fantasy costco
We are not sent out to find them, the seekers find them, we retrieve them. We don’t know if we can touch them with our bare hands, use caution.
She points out our quarters for us to stay in, we are sharing
Daphnie does not seem to approve of Nana.
City States all equal leaders of their prospective cities. Together they form the Kingdom of the sylvian trust
Fred: King Fredrick wears the orange ascot cape King of Auroria
Madam Velma: City of austrialis
Lady Daphne Blake: City of borelious
Lord Norville: city of eos
We go to Fantasy Costco Garfield got the sword that Flokii has he got from the princess from the upsidedown, the glowing lady.
We go to fantasy olive garden, we eat our weight in pasta
We get a full sleep rest
Intercom calls the gang to go to the King’s office.
Eliwick gets the grateful spirit from Fantasy Costco and enjoys the conversation with them. Elliwick names them garcia. Garcia gives them a book about Quantom Mechanics for Kids.
Elliwick is 32 years old.
We go to the kings office, summoning us very early, their reclaimer who was supposed to bring back an item from Rockport. Lemmand Kessler died. Rockport limited to Aurora. Needs to impersonate him and the rest would be his escort. A lot of crimes that happen in rockport. Impersonate him, retrieve the item. Seekers received his ticket, luggage receipt, they believe that the item in in the luggage in rockport and is with train workers. Not many people know what he looks like. Lady velma will take us to the transport. Human man. We follow Velma. Transportation Orbs, a big cannon with a door, a ball is being loaded in. The door is open, there are seats and seatbelts. Elliwick is our pilot. The doors open from the roof, and the countdown starts. We are jettesoned off at a high velocity. Still dark outside, mountains and forests pass. We see the train tracks they are going through the spine, a mountain range, 3 tounels that the train goes though. We see a swamp coming up and we are almost to the city of rockport. Ther is one window forward. Open field, then rockford an industrial city built in the mountain. One lever to slow down the device. A parachute is deployed and slowly descending and narrolwy miss the swamp. The city of rockport, the city on the go, always in motion. A steam punk city, cars, automobiles, pipes, steams.
Rock port limited = train
This is our first mission.

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  1. Waiting for Adventure
    Sigfried, Session 0
  2. Call to Adventure
    Sigfried, Day 1
  3. Lord Fredric and the Thessalhydra
    Sigfried, Day 2
  4. Battling the Thessalhydra
    Sigfried, Day 3
  5. Collecting OOPs
    Sigfried, Day 4