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December 2370

Science Officer's Log, Stardate 47915.4

by Commander Samuel Walker

We were sent to investigate the disappearance of the U.S.S. Alcubierre, an Oberth class ship. We found her drifting and unresponsive in unclaimed space and I went over with the away team to investigate. Several the crew were found dead, including the captain, killed by Romulan disrupter fire. After a skirmish with some Romulans in a corridor we encountered an ensign in stellar cartography, James LaSalle. He reported that the after engaging the engines "all hell broke loose" and the ship was later boarded by Romulans. We questioned a centurion who believed that the Alcubierre was testing a new weapon since their ship, the I.R.W. Decius, picked up some subspace distortion and went to investigate. It turned out that the Alcubierre's engines were the source of the emissions and micro fissures that the Romulans mistook as a weapons test. When the Romulan ship was called away, they left a team on the Alcubierre under the command of a subcommander. As we attempted to capture the subcommander in engineering Ensign LaSalle was killed. Seeing that the subcommander was impervious to lower phaser settings several members of the away team went to higher settings and were able to take him down. As he fell a neural parasite crawled out of its mouth (TNG "Conspiracy" Stardates 41775.5-41780.2). I stunned it with my phaser and put it in a specimen container. After repairing the engines, we tow the ship back to Starbase 117. Starfleet is notified and the remaining Romulans, clear of the neural parasite, are turned over to starbase security.

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  1. Science Officer's Log, Stardate 47915.4
    December 2370
  2. Science Officer's Log, Stardate 479.... (Dec 23, 2370)