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Sat 26th Sep 2020 10:21

Science Officer's Log, Stardate 479.... (Dec 23, 2370)

by Commander Samuel Walker

Signal coming from an old Klingon Base, Korkar Station. 3 new crew members transfering on aboard at Starbse 123. Conn Officer, Lt JG Darnell Lewis (Kevin Hart), Assisstant CMO Lt JG Jill Kendal (Jamie Presley, Mom), Xenoarchaeologist Lt JG Rafe Drumond (xx). No life signs on Korkar Station, nor and ships docked or in range. 1 lifepod with a Klingon lifesign onboard. Infirmary is sealed off from the rest of the station with it's own atmosphere.
Cordolan IV, mining outpost on 6th moon with artifically amplified interferance signal. Found a dead Klingon whose body had been genetically modified by the neural parasite, which was also dead. A number of Klingons found dead in infirmary that had Trill genetic material mixed in with the Klingon DNA; both the Klingons and parasite were heavly modified. We deactivated the interferance signal. A Trill genetisist is captured and tells us that the Romulans contacted him posing as Vulcans and wanted his help in experimenting with the parasites. He says things have gone too far. Freeing the Telerite and Humans they tell us that all they had to do was bring the supplies that were resquested and to not ask questions. We drop them all off at the nearest starbase.

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  1. Science Officer's Log, Stardate 47915.4
    December 2370
  2. Science Officer's Log, Stardate 479.... (Dec 23, 2370)