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Sat 20th Mar 2021 08:34

6: Disconcerted

by Thaddius Cromwell

Everyone has their own paranoia.
Yarn's decision to drug Braxton into a stupour on our return journey was questionable, but ultimately inspired. All the best crews I had been a part of over the last four years had had a wild card in them. A certain something in what they brought that kept everyone on their toes. As long as goals were shared among all members, they were unstoppable. But it made for very strange small-talk.
But the long journey back wasn't as long as we thought. We had spent a week getting to Luggnum, but our shuttle strayed from our expected path within the first hour of departure. Even as Luggnum was being bombarded to glass from orbit, our shuttle began heading back. Veck proved his usefulness once again, determining that we had been recalled to one of the cruisers in orbit: the Flame of Purity. We stalled for time by simulating a radiation leak while we decided our path. There were certain events that occurred on-planet that were not strictly related to the mission at hand. Should these be omitted?
While we decided as a group, our wild card slumbered. Awoken by Junior Biologos Zavros during our initial debrief by Inquisitor Rathbone, he gave an extraordinary, almost pattern-perfect recollection of the mission's events. It was to my surprise that his willingness to carry tainted weapons back for examination was downright praised, where our own reluctance to do so was met with equal disdain.
I find myself debating what it means to serve the Emperor. Does He require that we remain pure and clean? Or does He call upon us to make sacrifices greater than our own lives in His service? I suspect these answers will not come easily, and will intrude upon my dreams more than once. I should seek out Yarn for some of those pills he has.