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8 Nightal - 9 Nightal

Session 63 - Airships

by Elerìna Taiatual

~ 8 Nightal ~

Sister of pain estimated to hit Weldstone in about a week.
After organising the potions, we returned to the ship where the King and Captain had made discussions. Three new crew joined the ship crew per request of the King.
d Master gunner, Luwella (Lulu) Ashbow, highest honour in arms within the King’s military. Don’t trust her with secrets; Chiefmate Oravim Windheart, and Deckhand Alok Mountainborn, the half elf we stood up for when entering the city.
t Dred Gottoth, Dwarves fortress at the border, is where Lulu brought a report back. Blight creeping further across, more refugees that make it tell stories of someone poisoning everything that she touches (High Saint). Moving through the forest towards Weldstone (Trading Post).

~ 9th Nightal ~

Watch Serena get trained by Vakil at the crack of dawn so she gets more awareness during a fight (after the last fight where she ditched an unconcious Vakil).
Had a meeting with party and crew to discuss our movement into Oswana. Organised hammocks for the ship, food, and split off to prepare.
$ Got the vials of Pain Relief - Neuro-Fan (11 vials), 8 vials of potion resistance, and 1 sleeping potion (which very promtly got returned).
$ Asters spells and scrolls - got the gilded acorn and a crystal ball. Is a good shop to go too when we have a lot of money ($$$), has spells scrolls, tomes and all things components.
Vakil astral projected to his Lady and debriefed her on what has transpired. She informed him that the Golden Goddess is awake (the ancient gold dragon) and that dragons are returning back to the material plane soon. The consequences of this is yet to be determined.
Finished up and went back to the ship. King christened the flying ship, where Vakil named it Star Shadow. As we were leaving, Ryder nearly didn't join us. He is afraid of what we are going into, with the likelihood that we may not return. Serena (and the rest of the party) convinced him, saying that running away is something she's done her whole life, and is not the solution. He has a chance to make a difference. For now, he is staying, but after Weldstone he might be leaving our path.
After settling in and starting our travels, showed Vakil to his new pet (hehe).
Sara used the Scale of Sending to Keejunt Rúick Gaston, head of the Abberants, informing him of the Golden Goddesses awaken and to make a request for information to determine where they had left from in the first place. He wasn't too impressed, as apparantly he isn't an encyclopdia, but we might be able to figure out more of the dragons intentions when they return.
Casted Divination , and got the omen that a path is never set in stone. Our intel is correct and as far as we know, the High Saint will be hitting Weldstone within 7 days. Whether or not she catches wind that we are coming, or something else happens, may change that timeline. Goal is to find the resistence leader.
Wake up arriving in Weldstone in the new day at the start of the next session (~ 10th Nightal ~)

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  1. Session 63 - Airships
    8 Nightal - 9 Nightal
  2. Session 64: At Dawn We Plan
    10 Nightal
  3. Session 65 & 66