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Wed 15th Nov 2023 03:36

Session 65 & 66

by Elerìna Taiatual

~ 11 Nightal ~
Silvanous opened a portal and created ents from the dead trees, who took Zygan back home into to Nature domain.
The gods are aware of what we are doing, and our efforts are helping them. They were blindsided by Sune, who was allowed to run rampart for a very long time.
Silvanous blessed Sara and asked her to be his champion in the war to come.
The blightlands tower is a prison, and is most likely a prison of a god. We don’t know who it could be, if it’s a deity or demigod. We have a couple of ideas but need to do more research
• The General is Tempus kid
Ents took us back to the village.
The town is fine when we got back, lost a few people but they are for the most part fine.
• They are heading to Castleborn at dawn for four hard days ride for the trial
Our airship went down in the fight. Airship is very damaged, crew is relatively unharmed.
• Spell cannons are down, and the airship is down for a couple of days
Deam Vision
• Across the ocean, across a not healthy land, over a mountain range with volcanic to the stronglike tower. Approaching it from a slightly different angle. It’s not a tower, it’s more tree-like (petrified tree). Beating heart, another crack forks up the side of the tree. Red tendrils wisp out from the cracks
~ 12 Nightal ~
Heading north-west, into the foothills. Not as dark as my forest, although it is a dense forest. The blight didn’t penetrate through the forest for some reason, can see where the blight scarred trees but didn’t kill them. It’s a very magical, fey-like forest.
Red dragon is the closest dragon that came out, blue dragon off in the distance. And furthest away is another dragon. Dragons came from a home that sat above the clouds. The golden watcher watches above from the city above the clouds. When they left, they took the city and went to another plane (mostly likely a nature realm).
• Silver dragons tend to walk among the humans, and taking human form and blending in
• Brass respects might
• Green eats anything

Continue reading...

  1. Session 63 - Airships
    8 Nightal - 9 Nightal
  2. Session 64: At Dawn We Plan
    10 Nightal
  3. Session 65 & 66