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Fri 27th Oct 2023 02:31

The adventure continues - Making Friends. It would be Wude not to!!

by Paladin of Dol Dorn Killian Hawkins

Dear Father,
Following our exploits in the cellar of the tavern and the safe return of Rat Face, our group has rested well. The decision was made to ensure that the network of caves and rooms under the Tavern were completely safe and free from godless monstrosities. This we did with effortless efficiency. Giant rats were slain and remaining Grimlocks sent to meet their maker in the underworld. However, there remains a strange and mysterious aura around the place, with strange visions and a sense of great evil seeping from every corner. I am comforted knowing that the wisdom and guidance of Dol Dorn will show me the true path to smite the evil that inevitably lies ahead.
We examined the Black Spire in more detail, well, I didn't but I helped Krod examine it as he seems far more qualified than myself to understand it. Krod seems a bit different at the moment after touching the spire. He is just as grumpy, but I will keep an eye on him just the same. The cellar dungeons remain safe..... for the moment.
On another note, myself and my companions, Dolen and Krod have been exploring more of the town. I continue to try and make friends with the local people, but my charm and friendliness seem to be struggling to find their mark and even confusing my companions. Maybe they are not used to such manners and etiquette, but I will continue to show them the Hawkins way and prove my worth to the group. Dol Dorn will again guide me.
I have commissioned a new shield to be made from some friendly Dwarf blacksmiths we have met. The shield will be the symbol of my faith and will protect me physically and in spirit on the road ahead. You will be proud to know that I spoke to them in their racial tongue. The hours of lessons and training have finally paid off. I also spoke to a young lady in the general store. Her name was Wude....... I think she likes me, as I was very charming. We secured some good discount from her....
You will be glad to know that I continue to pray and seek guidance. I have a lot to learn about the World and my place in it. My sword is true and my heart and resolve are strong. The adventure continues....
Your son
Orc kills - 0