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Mon 5th Aug 2019 05:56

The Moon Rose and the Fortress Fell

by Morgran Wildfiend

Morgran Wildfiend
Originally Morgran Moonhammer, he comes from a long line of night hill dwarf warriors and clerics. A long history of glory through battle, honor in victory and a hill top strong hold of impenetrable stone. Morgran grew up in this proud culture, trained in the art of the long hammer his family’s signature weapon. For a century he served, fought, and bled for the clan. Until one day the when he planned and led a raid on an enemy village; everything went according to plan, textbook raid, and when the dust settled everyone who was not clan was dead. The battle went so well that Morgran was awarded his families magical weapon, Moonrise, in honor of his victory. Yet upon returning to the celebration and drinking something changed in Morgran. While everyone else made merry he just drank and drank and drank. Hoping to find the joy of victory at the bottom of the barrel, it never came. Days past and Morgran knew something was different. Battle held no more glory, no joy in victory only thoughts of the innocents that died so he could wield his family hammer. He found himself drinking more even by dwarf standards. One night while on watch Morgran while drinking he fell asleep. He awoke to find the fortress under attack, and the buildings aflame. Assuming that his failure had led to this attack he flew into a rage and charged into the burning inferno. Time passed and when the moon rose full again there was nothing left but ash, stone and Morgran. After that he took up his hammer and walked into the woods. He has not returned to his home in 100 years.
He is Morgran Wildfiend now. A druid who travels the land in a wagon full of dwarven spirits, he sells to everyone man, elf, orc, goblin, gnoll, giant as long as they respect the land. Morgran cares for the land and stone since they were the only things to survive the attack. He believes the land and stone protected him that fateful night so he will protect them. He has no love for battle anymore but when he has to fight he used Moonrise and calls on the animal spirits to help him. Taking the form of a wild animal Morgran brings the full force of the earth and moon down on whoever threatens the land and stone.
Unknown to Morgran is that he was not responsible for the fall of his clan. He was not the only one to fall asleep. The beer was tainted and all who drank fell asleep only to awake when it was too late.

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  1. The Moon Rose and the Fortress Fell
  2. Family and Acquaintances