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Morgran Wildfiend

Level 3 NIght Hill Dwarf Lawful Neutral Druid
/ 36 HP

An old dwarf soldier turned druid from a life of solitude and drink. He hasn't been home in 100 years. He wanders in a wagon selling spirits and caring for the land.

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Tue 6th Aug 2019 08:12

Family and Acquaintances

by Morgran Wildfiend

Dwarf family allies: Anyone from these families will be trusted on name alone due to the long memory of the dwarves and those implied loyalties.
Moonstone family-
Bessibela- sister who moved away for marriage to Nodrath Fierybraids to secure loyalties
Vossic- Uncle who lives in a dwarf city, taught Morgran how to fight
Bondol- Brother who wielded the family hammer before Morgran, gave it up to become an adventurer.
Axearmour family- Blacksmiths and forgers
Fierybraids family- Masons and builders
Drakebuster family- Engineers and alchemists
Trollfury family- Experts in fighting, catching, and killing dragons, giants, and large beasts
Alestone Family- Brewers and cousins to the Moonstone family
Non-Dwarf allies:
Darfin Vasandoral-New friend made from sales of dwarf ale. Many long nights of drunken arguments about the superiority of the hammer over a sword.
Jellbeg-Friend of the family from the old days build machines for the fortress. Now he builds and repairs Morgrans equipment wagon and barrels.
Snanzbass-Fellow brewer of spirits, specializes in distillation.
Peddit-Owner of the Greedy Gnome bar and inn. Has been buying beer from Morgran for several decades.
Mash-Farmer who provides Morgran with wheat and barley for brewing.
Xago-Controls an area of land known for pure spring water. Allows Morgran access to the water in exchange for ale and spirits.
Yts-Supplier of rare booze taken in goblin raids. Trades spirits for healing drafts and good berries.
Zoc-A new found ally after having his life spared when Morgran found him trying to steal. Now he helps get Morgran in and out of what would normally be enemy territory.
Xaark Loosemask-A once great warrior turned lover of the drink. Now he sings like a bard drinking all day long.
Ruz Tamebeam-A gnoll shaman who decided to start worshipping the moon after an encounter with Morgran.
Iruz Fungusgrinder-A hermit who lives in the hills and collects rare plants and herbs. A medicine gnoll of sorts, provides Morgran with rare ingredients, and yeasts.
*Hill Giant:
Mias- The largest buyer of product from Morgran, purchasing ale by the barrel (barrel that's as large as a horse cart).

Morgran's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Moon Rose and the Fortress Fell
    05 Aug 2019 05:56:54
  2. Family and Acquaintances
    06 Aug 2019 08:12:55

The major events and journals in Morgran's history, from the beginning to today.

Zero Session

04:33 am - 19.05.2021

Zero Session

03:23 am - 08.11.2020

Family and Acquaintances

Dwarf family allies: Anyone from these families will be trusted on name alone due to the long memory of the dwarves and those implied loyalties. Moonstone family- Bessibela- sister who moved away for marriage to Nodrath Fierybraids to secure loyalties...

08:12 am - 06.08.2019

The Moon Rose and the Fortress Fell

Morgran Wildfiend Originally Morgran Moonhammer, he comes from a long line of night hill dwarf warriors and clerics. A long history of glory through battle, honor in victory and a hill top strong hold of impenetrable stone. Morgran grew up in this proud...

05:56 am - 05.08.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Morgran.

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