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14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5

by Sprig Silvertoung


  • Alecto talked to the barkeep and got the names of Old Glenda and Little James people in the town who might be able to help us.

  • We located Old Glenda and determeind she was not a hag at Drostries behst.

  • She says that in her youth she ventured near to the keep and heard clanging like the ghost inside was a blacksmith not a lady.

  • She pointed us in the direction of some loitering youths.

  • I unsassembled and hid under Alectos bed.

  • there where no untaword events.

  • We found the loiteroers outside the taven

  • They report 'weird shit'

  • The bones that left the premisis disintagrated.

  • The house smells bad.

  • We found Little James.


  • he has head wolves in the keep.

  • he is unserten weather it is one or multiple wolves.

  • he did conferm that it sounds like my attempt at a wolf noise.

  • we head to the keep

  • A large two story building.

  • cheaking the aria for evidence of wolves, I find evidence of wolf like prints closer to a dire wolf in size. heading both towards and away from the keep. To the west.

  • We enter the keep into a once grand chamber that seams to surve as an entry hall.

  • The center of the keep apears to be a guarden with a functuning fountin and some broken statues.

  • The guarden seems to be maintained.

  • The Dius seams to be decorated by a constalation.

  • It is the symbol of an arch deamon known as Grug The Timeless Wait.

  • Grugs domain is sloth.

  • The keeps misfortune may have had something to do with deoman worship.

  • There be BoNeS!!!

  • The loundge is decorated nicely but dustely there are a pair of skellibobs on the chase loundge.

  • The male portrate shows a man wearing the a ring with some fermiliure imagry.

  • The lady be fancy.

  • The famely crest apears to be a lepoard guarding an emrald.

  • Erakena and Berus Rounack are the lord and lady.

  • The bones seam fresh, there is no desernable cause and their bones are unsaported.

  • The piano has a single hand on it also stuck in place.

  • It apears to be stuck in place.

  • Thrian broke his lockpics when trying to open the cabinets.

  • We have found a locked door. for all intents and purpouses it seams rotted and damaged but Alecto couldent kick it down and Thrian says the lock kept shifting.

  • Thrian conferms that it is magic and I dispel the enchantment on the lock.

  • The room behind seams to be disheveled and filled with meat.

  • It contains a dear carcus and a smashed widow that apears to have been broken inwards.

  • The dear was killled by arrows but malled by a large wolf.

  • Using my abilites I found that the Tooth and Claw marks dont fit for a dire wolf.

  • There is no way a dire wolf could have got into this room.

  • The dear is fresh and it dosent seam to be effected by the curse on the bones threwout the rest of the keep

  • Drostrie figures that it might be a werewolf.

  • Its only a few days until the next full moon.

  • we have caused a small problem for ourselves braking the seal on the door as it might not hold a wolf.

  • We enter the barracks.

  • One particpent in a poker game is falling in quite a disturbing frozen fall.

  • We enter the study it has a large stane glass window of a hystorical event seeminly to do with the impisoning of someone.

  • The Imprisoning of Baphamal. A dragon of indaturmanal colour was 'imprisoned' in the ground by one of the five during their carear, it is unclaer weather it is dead or actualy imprsoned.

  • The study contianed a jornal and a letter, the jornal contained information about stange and desturbing happenings in the keep and the letter realated to the somenong and binding of an entety to a degree of failiour.

  • The librery/ Reading room has been ransacked a little.

  • There is a secret tunnel threw the bookshelf...How orriganal.

  • Alecto finds a ripped note and a raised pannel under the rug.

  • The note apears to be a shopping list of odd requests.

  • The presure plate opend a second secret room.

  • The first secret room is a survent accsess room.

  • The second is far more omonous

  • There is a spell circle on the floor seeminlgy for comunication that is missing a section.

  • We find a colleciton of records and an encoded note.

  • working together we managed to decode it. For unerving results.

  • A new name is mentioned 'Anius'.

  • This Anius seams like a pompus twit.

  • Thrian uncovers an enchanted potentaly cursed crown.

  • I have attempted to hide the crown from Thryan.

  • We decide to set up camp in the guarden for the night.

  • A goost turned up i guess she is a lady after all.

  • she is so sad she makes everyone else sad, i was not aware the party was so empathetic.

  • The ghost ran off.

  • Thyan tried to steal the crown, I put him right.

  • People:
  • Groveside

  • The Barkeep of The Broad Bear (Groveside)

  • Loitering Teens

  • Old Glenda

  • Little James

  • Thrian

  • Places:
  • Groveside

  • The Broad Bear

  • Grelt Keep

  • Entry call (Grelt Keep)

  • Garden (Grelt Keep)

  • Lounge (Grelt Keep)

  • Locked Room (Grelt Keep)

  • Barracks (Grelt Keep)

  • The Study (Grelt Keep)

  • The Librery/ Reading Room (Grelt Keep)

  • Survents accsesss (Grelt Keep)

  • Secret Librery (Grelt keep)

  • Warn Jornal

  • Ominous Note.

  • Ripped Note

  • Creatures:
  • Ghost

  • Effects:
  • The Keaps Kreepy BONE MAGIC.

  • Continue reading...

    1. The Journal Entry’s title
    2. 5th Time of warmth 3254e5
    3. Pre Campaign
      11th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    4. Season 1-Day 1-4
      12th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    5. Season 2- Day 5-9
      17th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    6. Season 3: Day 10-11
      22nd Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    7. 23rd Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      23rd Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    8. 24th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      24th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    9. 25th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      25th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    10. 26th Time of Celebration 3245 E5
      26th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    11. 27th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      27th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    12. 28th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      28th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    13. 29th Time of Creation 3245 e5
      29th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    14. 30th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
      30th Time of Celebration 3245 e5
    15. 1st Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      1st Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    16. 2nd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      2nd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    17. 3rd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      3rd Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    18. 4th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      4th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    19. 5th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      5th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    20. 6th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      6th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    21. 13th Time of Walmth 3245 e5
      13th Time of Warmth 3254 e5
    22. 14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      14th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    23. 15th Time of warmth 3245 e5
      15th Time of warmth 3245 e5
    24. 16th Time of warmth 3245 e5
      16th Time of warmth 3245 e5
    25. 17th Time of warmth 3245 e5
      17th Time of Celebrations 3245 e5
    26. 18th time of walmth 3245 e5
      178e of warmth 3245 e5
    27. 18th time of preparation 3245 e5
      18th time of prepeartion 3245 e5
    28. 19th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      19th Time of Walmth 3245 e5
    29. 20th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
      20th Time of Warmth 3245 e5
    30. 21st Time of Warmth - 4th of Preparation 3245 e5
      21st Time of Warmth 3245 e5