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Sun 25th Feb 2024 01:14

Session 4

by Trox Fraut

Ellie inspects the painting - Speaks of her past Natura.
Pirosa - Deliver a message to the Moon Song Fair (Merchants, didn't catch name)
Market district - Speak To Fey of Feydren's Fantastical Emporium to find out where this merchant group will be.
Fey's Fantastical Emporium
Not specialized
Varied Selection
- Showed him guild coin: He didn't recognize.
- Mentioned working for the prince - He wouldn't deny working with him or the royal family (thus him having an account)
Moon Song Fair -
Holyphant - Magical Entrance. (Celestial Elephant thing)
Pan is a DRAGON!
Cost of my bargain:
Stole my dreams.
For five days, dc 15 wis saving throw. Fail: no restoration of hit die.