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1-2nd Oonus 141

Becoming a new recruit

by Elite recruit of the knights of Camelot Ifera Berflame

In the early hours of the morning I met up with the rest of the hopefuls with the goal of being selected as one of the new recruits for the knights of Camelot, surprisingly myself along with four other hopefuls were pulled aside and escorted quite a distance away to a camp with multiple training dummies enchanted with some kind of magic. there were three other hopefuls there when we arrived as well. we were left without instruction for a while so a few people introduced them selves I was able to learn all of their names and a vague idea of their skill sets.

  • Lancelot Green:

  • Fights with a sword, enhances his attacks with flame drawn magic, boasts often and loudly, and seems to like those who are strong and confident. Appears to be human
  • Ziril Kalor

  • Fights with magic, seems to prefer fire spells, and potentially is falling for another recruit wildfire. Appears to be a flame touched dwarf
  • Raihan

  • Fights while mounted on his steed with both sword and bow, uses magic to enhance his swings and, seems to enjoys napping and drinking. Appears to be a wind touched human
  • Manafold

  • Fights with magic, often has eyes glued to his books, he seems to lack much awareness and could be caught of guard easily. Appears to be an Elf
  • Wildfire

  • Fights by fusing herself with a magic summoned flame creature, seems shy and withdrawn, however seems quick to warm up to those that approach her. Appears to be a flame touched half elf
  • Althea

  • Fights with magically enhanced attacks and can heal others, she is very bright and bubbly and approached me early on I struggled to keep up with her enthusiastic attitude. Appears to be a Human
  • Aaron Launce

  • Fights on horseback with a lance and holy energy, has a terrible attitude along with a superiority complex. Appears to be human
    We were asked to preform a test involving striking the dummies with the strange magic on them , apparently the magic can record the strength of our attacks, I don't think I did well in face i almost missed my strike because of how nervous I was, never the less it seems we all passed. after the test we were all told to rest for the day as we would be having another test in the morning.
    the next morning we were told to split into two groups and to hunt and kill an elemental touched beast and bring back proof of our kill. Aaron grabbed the three people closest to him and left immediately leaving me and three others to form the other team. I ended up on the team with Ziril, Raihan and Lancelot. honestly the team split could have been better but I don't mind Ziril and Raihan maybe Lancelot with grow on me. As the one most familiar to the area I ended up leading the group to the forest south west of us.
    while there we encountered four fire wolves I was so nervous about the team up I wasn't as focused as normal allowing myself to get more injured than I would have if I was focused properly (my ac and to hit should have been 1 higher). we did defeat them in the end despite poor Ziril's attacks being mostly useless against the fire touched creatures. oddly enough the creatures exploded on death leaving behind no corpse at first we thought we would be left with no proof to show the knights but Lancelot spotted a gem amongst the ashes of one one of the slain creatures upon looking closer all four wolves had left behind a gen on their deaths.
    Taking the gems back as our proof we returned to the camp arriving before the other team and luckily the knights accepted the gems as proof saying we had passed the test!
    the other team arrived a few hours later with the corpses of the monsters they had slain and passed as well! Ziril approached wildfire on her return to ask of her health and then gave her the gem he got from the wolves, wildfire seemed to really like the gift too, I hope their romance can blossom I'm cheering on Ziril from the sidelines!

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