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3rd Oonus 141

I guess we are properly elite recruits now

by Elite recruit of the knights of Camelot Ifera Berflame

We were awoken an hour or so before dawn by a group of ice-cockatreice running through the camp towards the city, the fully fledged knights told us to wait in camp while they dispatched of them before they made it to the town. Lancer ignored the stay put order and followed the knights to “help”. After the knights and lancer had left and engaged in their battle a large fire wolf appeared in the camp and we recruits were forced to engage. Just before we engaged I spotted a creature slinking around in the darkness. The fight was initially going quite badly. I was bitten badly and passed out almost immediately leaving wildfire alone in melee with the beast, Zyril healed me allowing me to help in the fight again, re engaging in the fight I was able to land the finishing blow after Wildfire and Manafold had worn it down.
The second beast had appeared during the fight with the first and was a second large fire wolf, this beast was taken down by a combination of Althea, Manafold and Raihan.
A few of us were quite badly injured and most of my stuff was damaged when the second fire wolf exploded on my tent. When the knights returned healing potions and other healing was distributed. Cruiz Tristane, the highest rank knight there, told off Lancer for his ignoring of orders then declared that the teams were official with the teams based on our initial split up. My team was named Team fire due to us defeating fire type enemies in the second test. Lancer was declared our team leader, even after his reckless actions.
Since the sun had started to peek over the horizon we packed up and headed back to town on the orders of sir Tristane. When we reached town we were led to the Knights guild where we became official elite recruits and were given cloaks to represent our standing, then dismissed and told to do good for the people and raise the awareness of our teams.
Ziril and Raihan left with the implication that they were going to the Firebreath tavern, leaving myself and Lancer. I wanted to sell my fire gem so I could give the money to Elliya so they could buy more supplies for the children. Lancer decided to join me on my errands, he tried to help when I was selling the gem and was mostly unhelpful but he was kind of nice? After selling the jem he followed me into the slums which he was horrified by and immediately wanted to help the people who lived there though his ideas were not great.
When we got to the school, Reid was there and greeted us instead of Elliya and showered us with praise which I was quite overwhelmed by but Lancer seemed to eat up the praise. Elliya showed up soon after with supplies for the kids and accepted the money and chatted with us for a little bit before the kids showed up and Lancer told them stories of our “gallant and brave adventures” the kids seemed to enjoy it so I have the heart to correct his embellished stories but I did try to slip in some helpful information at key points during the story. I could see the way some of the kids' eyes lit up during the story and copied Lancer’s fake swings. Maybe I should extend the building to include an area so I could train the kids a bit if they wanted to become knights in the future?
we have to leave the school soon to meet up with Ziril and Raihan maybe I could convince them to come help out with the school, they do seem like they would be bad influences though .

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  1. I guess we are properly elite recruits now
    3rd Oonus 141
  2. Becoming a new recruit
    1-2nd Oonus 141
  3. Oh no
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  4. Where did it all go wrong
    6-8th Oonus 141
  5. I don't know what to say
    9th Oonus 141
  6. Lancer is going to be the death of me
  7. Lancer is going to be the death of me part II