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22 April 1925

Trouble in Harlem

by Lady Florence Merica

After leaving the Medical office we visit the police station to see Lt Martin Poole once again, we want to ask him about the JuJu House and happenings in Harlem. Lt Poole has confirmed that Harlem closes ranks and the residents will not talk to outsiders or the Police, there is definitely some weird voodoo stuff going on. Fat Mabel's is definitely involved in the criminal activity in Harlem. We gather some information which includes business cards and a photo. After discussion we agree to go to the importer - Emerson Imports at the docks. They are closed the opening hours are 7am -5pm it is closed up tight we have arrived at 5.30.
We go to Fat Mabel's it is housed in an apartment building. It is an underground club based in the basement, with only once entrance and one exit. I enter and head to the bar, there is a large negro lady behind the bar . I approach her asking for " a drink Auntie" with a wink and a smile, again hoping for another alcoholic beverage. I receive a glass of clear liquid and when I slide $5 across the bar I receive a second glass with top quality Canadian Whiskey. Once again I find a table for the group. Charlie joins me first while Bartholomew is conversing with a lady at the Bar who I assume is Mabel. he then joins us and Mable brings a clean glass on a tray with a napkin to Bartholomew. My "glass" is a preserving jar so i am unsure at what Bartholomew has done to be issued such an honor. Bartholomew re approaches the bar to ask Mable about Anastasia, she tells Bartholomew that she has no recollection of Anastasia but does know of "Naderu" (Anastasia's African name) there is someone residing upstairs who possibly has more information. It is decided that Bartholomew and I will follow Mable upstairs to talk to the person of interest. As we follow Mable she takes us upstairs to the apartments and leaves us in a corridor, all the residents of this floor seem to be new arrives and have limited English, Bartholomew speaks to one of the gentlemen in Swahili, I can only understand the name Silas N Relane. As this conversation ends we hear gunshots from the street and hear Elizabeth scream. We head toward the stairwell with haste and descend with our guns drawn, as we are descending a couple of large figures are ascending. As they move closer to us we notice they are wearing African masks similar to those sold in the JuJu house, they are also carrying large machete type knifes. As they almost reach us Bartholomew shoots the one closest to him and he flails and falls down the stairs. the one closest to me raises his knife and slashes me, I shoot him in the stomach and hold my large wound on my arm with one hand. One of our attackers is still moving at the bottom of the stairwell. When we get to the bottom landing Bartholomew picks him up and slings him over his shoulder. We enter the bar through the hidden door to find everyone has their guns out there is blood splattered all over, Charlie and Hans are also injured. The group gathers and follows Bartholomew through the back door. Charlie barges past him and runs into the alleyway making his way far from the club, the rest of us follow his direction, I am very injured and cannot move as quickly as some of the others. I offer Bartholomew my rope to secure the assailant. We stop and rest as this happens. Elizabeth patches Hans and myself up. Charlie is grazed up also but says he doesn't need care at this time. As I look around I recognize the area, there is an airplane parts warehouse nearby, just outside of Harlem - the company is now defunct but the warehouse is still standing. When I share this we head that way and it should be a nice abandoned spot to question our assailant away from public eyes

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  1. Hitting the Books
    Tuesday 20th 1925
  2. And it does get odd
    Tuesday 20th 1925 / Wednesday 21st 1925
  3. The Carlyle collection
    Wednesday 21st 1925
  4. To the Cotton Club
    21st / 22nd April 1925
  5. Trouble in Harlem
    22 April 1925
  6. I arrive in New York
    20th January 1925