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21st / 22nd April 1925

To the Cotton Club

by Lady Florence Merica

As agreed we meet Elizabeth and Hans at the speak easy upon opening. Antonio takes us to the back room where the high stakes poker and good liquor is hosted. He has a package with journals and papers which he hands over to us, he also shares that he knows about Harlem, the cotton club and the juju house implying human trafficking, the opiate drug trade into the city. He leaves us in the back room to discuss this as a group. Bartholomew, Charlie and I debrief Hans and Elizabeth about our visit to the Carlyle Estate. Elizabeth claims again to have no memory of the creature from the walls but queerly she recalls all of the damage it caused. Bartholomew also claims to have no memory of this incident.
After a drink and conversation we then head to the Cotton Club after opening hours. Once inside I order a drink at the bar, A soda water and lemon with a wink handing over a large note hoping for something a little stronger, this american Prohibition is terrible on the constitution of this lady. I find a table large enough for our group. When My drink arrives at the table I ask the waitress about Mr Carlyle, she doesn't know of him but she mentions that Saada might know him. Bartholomew says quietly that Saada means help in Swahili, so we need to keep an eye out in case it is a cry for help. Saada approaches the table and addresses Bartholomew and Charlie, Bartholomew asks about Roger and imparts that he has past away, Saada hugs him and wants to take this somewhere quieter - to the reserved area. Nyo is the bartender who looks after the reserved area, Charlie pays a large sum for us all to enter the area, it is roped off and has large attendants to prevent unauthorized entry. They step aside to allow us entry, our drinks are refreshed when we enter, and it is glorious - finally a proper drink. We see exotic woman dancing and serving, gambling, and drinking all occur in this "reserved area". Saada lets us know that she has worked here for quite awhile 10-15 years, she knew Anastasia who only worked here for 6-12 months, Dr Huston introduced Roger and Anastasia. Bartholomew speaks to Saada in Swahili and asks questions. Charlie gets a lead that we may want to check Fat Mabel's bar in Harlem as Anastasia also worked there.
As we have run to the end of our information gathering, so we head back to the hotel. We use this time to review the papers dropped to Charlie's office .
Noon on the 22nd April Thursday 1925 - Elizabeth and I go to the Medical Records office, a guard approaches us and and Elizabeth introduces herself. We are lead to Dr Adrian Ferris's office when asked about Dr Huston's papers as it seems his office has now been closed. The papers are here and are sent for so we can look through them. We learn that Dr Huston had an affair with a patient Miss Imelda Bosch, who subsequently committed suicide. It seems that Roger blackmailed him into joining the expedition with this information. There is also an oddity in Rogers records in that there is only 20 odd sessions and the notes get scarcer and scarcer as the sessions progress. ** We finish up about 2.30 at the medical records office

Continue reading...

  1. Hitting the Books
    Tuesday 20th 1925
  2. And it does get odd
    Tuesday 20th 1925 / Wednesday 21st 1925
  3. The Carlyle collection
    Wednesday 21st 1925
  4. To the Cotton Club
    21st / 22nd April 1925
  5. Trouble in Harlem
    22 April 1925
  6. I arrive in New York
    20th January 1925