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Mon 12th Jun 2023 10:44

Session 3 (6/12)

by Nahia Silvertongue

  • We head to Grand Sanctum to maybe find Erebus, the cleric we were advised to meet with. Dirt finds him, a higher level cleric.

  • There is a fortune teller's tent in the market now, and we decide to see if its real. Future is bright, but something has latched onto me, and will consume me in the future if I don't do anything about it.

  • talk with old man. see usual small river, almost connect but it all crumbles, and i fall into desolate realm of darkness. there is an overwhelming feeling of hunger. hear screams and whispers,

  • "you feeble thing. you dare to glimpse edges of endless hunger. your insignificance holds now sway.
    harvester of dreams , harbinger of