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Mon 29th May 2023 10:35

Session 1 (5/29)

by Nahia Silvertongue

  • Business as usual when I get a new letter in the mail with the wax seal of the city of Lumina. It is an invitation to a gala celebrating the Festival of Light. It is being put on by the King and Queen of Lumina.

  • Take Spelljammer to Lumina. At the port I see Dirt, he has a goatee. We catch up, Dirt has been working at his home farm outside of Waterdeep and I tell him that

    -We enter the party and its in full swing. There are members of all races, except only two Gifs, including General Signith, and no Giths. I see my old Shadowmaster Quinlin and I pretend I didn't see them. Lanister, old coworker, approaches me and asks me if I am joining the unit again, I say I am not. Talk to Narciuss with Dirt as his wingwoman, she's an earth genasi he assisted. Consider the gal partially woo'ed. The festival light festival takes place when the stars start to move. However things seem to start to go differently. The few stars involve convalese, then almost flicker out, turns a swirly purple, and then settle into the new constellations.
    -Lumina Queens Larissa and Edricht enter after the lights. They approach us and ask to speak to us in private. They say they knew of our work before as a group. They say that the Astral Plane has been undergoing unstable changes very recently. Old creatures have been making their way back in, and they fear it might be a second Cataclysm. Cassius, an elf that ____ knows, enters and is able to give us the information they have thus far. He says that the old titan the Devourer is likely responsible, a titan known for only wanting to destroy the planes. The Astral Plane was created as his prison or a place within the Astral Plane was created as his prison. As he is now influencing outside of his jail that must mean someone has freed him. They ask us to try and find the person who potentially unlocked the jail of the Devourer. The Queens fear that the Federation would get involved and then do nothing as they usually do, so they ask us to be sneaky and not tell anyone.
  • They ask us to speak to their daughter, Princess___, who is a clairvoyant. Couple of months ago she saw something out in the stars that triggered a vision. From then on she has been sickly and haunted, and most importantly she hasn't told anyone about her vision when she was asked about it, even by her mothers. We ask her about the original vision, and surprisingly she answers. She says she doesn't remember much, only that it was terrifying and full of death. We assure her that we'll try and help how we can and she offers to shake our hands. I take her hand, and as soon as I do her pupils turn black and she starts speaking, although it isn't her. It is a voice, seemingly talking directly to me. It says that soon it will have me and that god I am working with, and then the whole Astral Plane. Yikes. Visiting time is soon after and we take our leave.

  • -Given items by Queen Edricht as well as a Spellajmmer to get around. She recommends that we go speak to some clerics in Nethrune as they know more, especially one named Erebus. Warns us about the Githyanki as their piracy has increased lately. Also of the Gif Confederation as they are strong and stubborn. They are unsure about where the prison of the Devourer is or what it actually is. She says that it might come down to the issue of the key to its prison. Cassius is good to ask questions.
    -We head back to the party, and there at the bottom of the steps is none other than Quinlin.