Begin writing your story here...Rolling his eyes kanenas gets ready to place the last statue. He doesn’t understand why you would make such an obvious puzzle. Mind you without Ezra he probably would be dead from at least one of the exploding statue, and if you got this far by killing a dragon then you would probably be low on health and magic. That actually makes sense. This is less of a puzzle and more of a last F you from Old gnawbone. It definitely would have killed Someone as fragile as Zith.
But then you look at all that treasure. Old Gnawbone is possessed and you guys are probably going to have to kill her or die trying next time you see her anyway. Besides She literally threatened to destroy all of Leilon because you tried to warn her about what literally just happened to her. So you don’t feel sorry from reclaiming what you can only guess is stolen treasure.
You imagine it with this much treasure Zith can learn so many spells. Maybe after he becomes a great wizard he can stop stealing shit. Ozus can finally build that temple to Casuth he is always talking about. And Ezra… you aren’t sure what he would do with the gold but you know it will be something good. And then the town With this much money you can buy more soldiers, build stronger walls. Things will be great.
The next statue clicks into place. You flinch ready for it to explode. But it doesn’t. you did it finna… A toxic wind rushes out. Your throat is burning. The new rune around your neck is glowing a bright green. Oh gods Anea you lost your connection to her. What about the others? Are they alright. Damnations Your throat is burning so bad. so is your skin. You have to make it to the others. You will not fail your friends again. Not because of another one of your stupid mistakes.