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Thu 20th Apr 2023 11:06

Job: Scout out the Forest West of the Bay

by Glogmealk Draznoild

Guard duty in this new land seems pretty easy. I made a new friend in Thornden. I feel like getting out and seeing this new land.
Job: Scout out the Forest West of the Bay
First day: crest a hill, see the coast, and in the forest we see a huge tree rising in the forest. Hear wolves howling
2nd day: on the beach, stank of fish, dead bodies. ugly fish people, 2-4 arms, gills, greenish blue, shark teeth, crude weapons
massive corpse. five bird people attack us from the skies, nero dies and explodes but remains okay after the battle. Shoc can't communicate with them, and we defeated them all. I found a feather pendant on one of them, and then lost it.
4th day we arrive at the edge of the forest. big trees, oaks and other things
eyes in the forest

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