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Fri 11th Nov 2022 02:38

10-21-2022 - Session 3

by Sho Kurai

  • We inspected the carts and the bodies in the area for a bit longer.

  • We decided to follow the tracks of the carts and large animals.

  • - On our way we eventually reached the end of the hard soil and ended up at sandy dessert. Entering the sand the tracks disappeared.
    - Arthorius decided to cast Detect Magic and saw that there was faint illusionary magic that was the width of the path and headed into the dessert.
    - Using Arthorius to keep an eye on the path and slowly following him we made our way.
    - Eventually we used other tactics to keep on the track. It winded around large rocks.
  • When it started to near sunrise we stopped to make camp, but we were ill prepared for making camp in the dessert.

  • - During one of the watches people saw a glinting light in the distance, but no one decided to go look into the source.
    - Eventually we saw a person riding a large animal traveling South from the area of the glint.
    - Sho and Kai decided to try and head off the person or at least track them.
    - The mounted person was far too fast for us to head them off, but we found the tracks and started following to see if we could see anything in the distance.
    - After some searching we didn't find anything and headed back to camp to inform them of what we did/didn't find.
  • Once all of the party woke up after their rest we informed them of what had transpired.

  • - Then we discussed the best course of action. By this point the magic had fully faded, we had dunes to the West, and savanna to the East.
    - The group decided to follow the tracks of the mounted person and see where they led.
  • Following the tracks.

  • - Along the way we saw wooden pillars in a circle and the tracks going around.
    - We eventually saw an encampment in the distance.
    - We moved in close to try and get a look at who was in the camp, but weren't able to discern anything.
    - We discussed our next move, but couldn't come to a decision.
    - Sho thinking that it best for him to go alone to try and discern anymore information snuck in closer.
    - He wasn't as stealthy as he intended and roused people from the camp.
    - They came out to see what the disturbance was. Sho lying on the ground after seeing them come out and trying to garner any attention.
    - One of the animals looked straight at Sho. Sho stood up trying to show no aggression by raised his hands. The man on the animal raised a horn and blew. He then brandished some bolas and started towards Sho.
    - Sho turned and ran towards the encampment and teleported to where they couldn't see him.
    - He then disguised himself to look as close as he could as one of the masked men.
    - Walking into the camp a orc with a headdress pointed at him and then at one of the animals while saying something in a language Sho didn't understand.
    - Sho walked to animal and attempted to mount them to ride, but never having met animal like this he something very wrong and the animal lashed out at him.
    - Garnering attention from others Sho tries to walk away from the animal and backs into a tent. The creature follows him inside.
    - Outside the camp one of the men on the mounts finds the others and tells them to surrender. He whistles and Sho hears this in the camp.
    - Some of them surrender and get on their knees(Markus, Elouise, Arthorius).
    - Isla and Kai stay back and don't change their demeanor.
    - While talking Elouise brings out her cat and he gets 'eaten' by the animal and goes poof.

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