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Sat 22nd Oct 2022 02:14

10-14-2022 - Session 2

by Sho Kurai

  • Internal investigation happening for the city.

  • - Started about 5 days ago.
  • Caravan Details

  • - Day and half to 2 days to the Southeast.
    - 4 Wagons, unsure on items being transported.
    - 12-15 people, none came back.
    - Some animals that would suck, Drakes from Korifé Peaks near the dunes, Kotherian vipers.
  • Varu, orcish warband

  • - Been around for a long time
  • Went back to the Rat and Dagger to rest up before heading off on the road again.

  • - The spoke about their plan of when they should leave and if they needed any items.
    - Sho went up to his room to send a message back home.
    - "City of Gul-Dratum, undead appear to be under the city. Local authorities to handle. Will update if something changes."
  • Went to the library to research information in the surrounding area.

  • - Kai looked up information about animals.
    - Found barely any new information. Just about the drakes and Kothirian vipers.
    - Kothirian vipers are about 20' in length, all black, and ambush.
    - Drakes are descendant of dragons, but lack their intelligence. Some people train them to be mounts.
    - Eloise looked up information about the orcish warbands.
    - Chief would be the most highly decorated person. They fight to figure out the leader.
    - Sho looked up information about plants.
    - Cactus that grows fruit harvested for water and nutrients.
    - Scorched Savanah, low maintenance trees.
    - Plains, hardly any plants.
    - Barren Dune, single type of flower with red petals(no known alchemical use in this book)
    - In the swamp lands there might be a chance of poisonous plants.
  • Made our way to look for the caravan.

  • - First night, nothing happened.
  • Arrived at the caravan

  • - Sho inspected and found that the bodies where attacked by animals and were hit by arrows and the arrows looked to be of decent quality.

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