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May 6th, 1325

A note found under Altair's bed.

by Altair

By the time you're reading this I'll be long gone. I can't belive I'm doing this. I never wanted this, but it's the best for everyone. I guess I'll start at the beginning.
Its no secret that Ishtar and I are close. If I'm being honest I couldn't ask for a better best friend, but she can be a lot sometimes. It probably won't suprise anyone that when we got our powers she pulled a few pranks. Well she isn't sure exaclty how she did this, but she's pretty confident she did... I mean we don't know if she did do anything. Ishtar says that some of her spirits messed with me, with all of us really. She says I'm not really the vessel, at least probably not. One of the spirits... I can't explain how it works, she can say it better than I can. What maters is she's fairly confident that I'm not the vessel. When she first told me this I didn't belive her, but there are some inconsistancies I can't ignore anymore.
Its was the greatest responsibility of my life to be the vessel, I wish I could go through with it. I can't turn the living to the undead, let alone the undead to the living. Hell, I can't even talk to the dead. Jornok assures me that these abilities will develop in time, but its been two years.
I guess she was right, I have been developing new... well I don't really know what to call this to be honest. Whatever this is, it doesn't feel like I'm the vessel anymore. I can still feel the presense, but I don't think it chose me. I don't belive that this is the being of profecy, if it is then we don't want to fulful this profecy.
It doesn't mater anymore I guess. Its too far gone now, I have no choice but to leave. I know I will never be accepted back, but my comitment to the faith will never wane and I will continue to spread the word as I can.
To my Mom, Dad and sisters, I'm sorry and I'll miss you.
To Jennah, I guess this is goodbye.
- Altair

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  2. A note found under Altair's bed.
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