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Sat 1st Apr 2023 10:02

The Great Tree

by Frilsk

After fighting the shambler, we took some time to recover from our wounds and do some shopping. The party headed back to Lakecrest, and then decided to travel to the City of Amberlight. Once there, I restocked and purchased many different supplies and potions. I also added fanged to my weapon, just for fun. The party also examined Amberlight's obelisk, and found that its stone was missing too. After the shopping trip and several days of gathering information, the party learned of a massive tree near the elven capital of Everglen and decided to go check it out. We arrived in Everglen, hired a guide, and travelled to the tree. The view when we got there was amazing. The tree, which broke through the forest canopy with ease, was situated in the middle of a lake that was fed by a river. The lake had massive roots stretching across and through it, dotting the water with small platforms wherever they had breached the surface. The water also acted very strange, circling outward from the tree like a giant whirlpool. We were able to spot two openings on the tree, and decided to cross the water to go inside. Halfway across I was attacked by a massive shark, which latched onto my arm and attempted to drag me under. I was able to escape its grasp, however, and the beast was finished off by Asren and Castien. We climbed up inside the tree, which was extremely dark. After Castien and Myricacea provided light, we all moved through the passageway. Moonshadow had just found an opening in the roof above us when it suddenly was blocked by thorny vines. He barely had time to turn around before a leafy figure rushed him, attacked, and then retreated into the shadows. The party, mobilizing into action against the hidden threat, grew accustomed to being surprise attacked. When we finally managed to pin down the beast and slay it, the vines that blocked our way retreated. Upon climbing up we found a room filled with a barrier of light that surrounded a large obelisk. Searching the room around the barrier, we located three different circles, each with a different puzzle. Myricacea and Asren found a small tree that was almost dead, and began to nurse it back to health. When the plant was rejuvenated one layer of the barrier disappeared. Moonshadow and Castien found a totem that depicted many creatures of power. Castien straightened the top of it, and another layer of the barrier fell away. I found a group of six plants, and started to collect their leaves and berries after remembering that I had seen plants like them in the market before. Myricacea came over after he was done with the tree and told me that five of the six plants were used for poison. He was also able to identify one of the six, the blue leafed one, as being used for healing. I ate it, and the last layer of the barrier fell away. We walked up to the obelisk, examined it, and put the gem that we had found inside of it. As it was placed inside the obelisk a refreshing wind gusted outwards and healed us all. Overall, quite the adventure.