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Sun 12th Mar 2023 04:48

Journal 1 - Shipwrecked

by Frilsk

On route to the Isle of Leumadaria aboard the Sea Bear, going through a large bank of unnatural fog, we encountered a pirate ship. Our crew's quick reactions allowed us to react before they boarded, but because of their numbers and the strength of their captain our ship was eventually overrun. One interesting point of note was that the pirates were a crew of half orcs. After killing the original boarders, myself and Moonshadow (An Elf adventurer who I met on the journey) attempted to board the attacking ship. The jump was too far to make unfortunately, and they saw us coming from a mile away. Myricaceae and Castien (A lotus spirit adventurer and a brooding half elf with burning scars) stayed on the ship. Myricaceae, in a show of power, summoned a water elemental on the enemy ship and blew a hole through it, causing a chain reaction of explosions throughout the ship which narrowly missed both myself and Moonshadow, but not before the pirate captain and several more crew swung across. If it hadn't been for Castien's invisibility spell, the plant might have been killed. Instead, all the remaining crew and passengers of the Sea Bear ended up thrown and drifting in the water. After many hours we finally drifted ashore at an incredibly small and semi deserted fishing town.

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