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7th day of Spring

The Keep

by Hel Vasso

The Great Hall

So, I waited for Carrow as agreed in the usual corner of the Inn. Eventually he wondered in and after looking around ambled over and sat down heavily. Late as usual I noted. He was his usual self, non-committal and full of his usual bile. After a round of drinks he relaxed. Whilst there were no new bounties on offer, he did give me a steer about Lord Angor Fallavar looking for adventurer types up at the keep on the other side of town. Some kind of work he had lined up and “Money to be made” was all Carrow knew. I pushed him for more information but he didn’t have any more to give. “Go and see.” I sighed. This better not be one of your dead-end leads, but I was sure in need of some coin. One more round and drinks and then I left. See you next time Carrow. He grinned…
I walked up through Fallaval towards the keep. I kept to the shadows along the cobbled side streets as usual as it was less busy. I looked up towards the old keep which stood overlooking the main part of town. I made my way up to the outer wall and then on towards the main gate. I nodded at the guard who pointed in the direction that a couple of others were walking. I followed on and made my way into the grounds of the keep. Another group of guards approached and we were escorted through the gate house and into the keep itself. Walking through the great doors the steward’s staff took over and led us down along a corridor towards the great hall. As we approached, I could hear music, merriment, and the smell of food. Good, I could eat. Shouting and laughter filled the air. This was promising.
On entering the crowded hall, various tables were set up in lines with groups seated or stood feasting on all manner of foods and were washing it down with copious amounts of ale. Some sat engrossed in their tales whilst others watched or eyed each other warily. A bard was singing merrily in the corner with the crowd cheering him on. I pushed my way through and sat at an empty seat at the nearest table. I was hungry and began to eat from the platters on the table. A group of men nearby stared but that wasn’t unusual. A few nodded but no real attempt at conversation. Others were staring and pointing towards across the room. I looked over in the direction. Unusual for these parts, I had not seen a Harengon in these parts for a long time.
I was used to people staring. Sometimes it was hard not to. It’s not every day you see a Goliath but today there were two in the same room. I looked across the great hall towards the large fireplace and there was the other Goliath stood within a group with Kerran Wolfgar, a small gnome and a group of men. They were all clearly acquainted and were whispering to each other as they scanned the room. I tried to catch the Goliath’s eye but couldn’t fix his stare but he appeared disinterested. I couldn’t see any clan markings; I didn’t recognise him. He certainly didn’t recognise me and made no attempt to acknowledge me.
Looking across towards one the other tables a second group consisting of dragonborn and dragon touched were clearly sizing up the others in the room. A second group then. Clearly this was going to get interesting…
It wasn’t long before there was bustle at the entrance. Eric Thorne, the captain of the guard arrived with the sergeant at arms and a small contingent of his men. The sergeant at arms shouted for order and gestured for the noise in the room to die down. An uneasy silence spread amongst the crowd.
Captain Thorne then explained why we were here, there were tasks that needed doing that would bring wealth and reward for those that take part.” However, there was catch, there was always a catch. I smiled, of course there was. We would need to be tested, not as individuals but as teams. This work required teams and if you were not part of one then they would find one for you. Damn, looking around the room this didn’t look promising. A few men got up and left walking towards the door. Others just waited.
Thorne continued, “Those not in a group would draw lots. Those drawing the same colour would form teams, those already in a team would stay with their own.”
The guards gathered at the end of one of the feasting tables. A great bowl before them with scraps of parchment rolled into balls. Each candidate would draw from the bowl. Whatever colour you drew would be you team. Simple and fair...
The parchment I drew was red. I looked around the room. Each candidate draw their lot looking down at their parchment. People were moving towards each other, each seeking those holding the same colour.
A studious looking gnome barged past muttering to himself, clutching a red piece of parchment walking towards a small Fey looking creature, a fairy. I followed the gnome. The Harengon began walking across and then a human female cocked her hat and began walking towards the same group, a small red piece of parchment in her hand.
This a joke I thought. This cannot be… I bet Carrow has set this up or the runes were playing tricks on me. Surely, they would not place me with the smallest people in the room…!? How was this supposed to work? I towered above them.
A burst of laughter from the Wolfgar group as Kerran pointed over in our direction. The other Goliath stared, but not at me.
This group, the group I was joining were all half my size. Not a warrior amongst them. This was not a good start.
We hesitantly made our introductions. I was to work with the Harengon Cleric by the name, if you can believe this, of Hot Cross Buns! There was no way was I going to use that name! The gnome went by the name of Luptus, a wizard. A human female witch called Nyx or Red stood nearby and waved and finally a small female druid fairy by the name of Talora joined us. What they lacked in size and martial skill they perhaps compensated with arcane ability. Maybe this wouldn’t be all bad, but we would find out soon enough.
Captain Thorne began to shout once again. He gestured towards the door and pointed, “Each group make your way outside and find a carriage. Once on board you will escorted to the old arena just outside of the town, if you need to make any preparations then do so on the way. Once there the tests will begin! To your transport!.”
The guards began to usher people out and gestured in the direction of the entrance to the hall. I looked at the others in the group and sighed. I knew where the arena was but I also knew it by the local name -The fighting pits. This was not going to be quick and definitely not easy. I sighed, let’s go……

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  1. The Keep
    7th day of Spring
  2. The Fighting Pits
    7th day of Spring
  3. The Journey
    7th day of Spring