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7th day of Spring

The Fighting Pits

by Hel Vasso

by Bayard Wu

On leaving the Great Hall we were led through the keep and out into the main courtyard overlooking the famous gardens. Each group made their way towards one of the carriages that were being made ready by some of the guards and some of the squires. Horses whinnied and pulled at their harnesses impatiently as they stood waiting. As we approached the nearest carriage, Talora moved off towards the horses. She began to whisper as she stroked them and the lead horse turned its head towards her as if in response. I quickly looked around. Now in daylight it was easier to see who was in the other teams. Each team made its way to a carriage and climbed on board, laughing, cheering full of good spirits and bravado. I wondered if they knew what was coming. I climbed on board the carriage and waited for the others.
After a short journey out of the city, along an old track we arrived at the old arena site. It was old and partly collapsed on one side, having been here a long time and it had seen better days but it would serve its purpose. On arrival Captain Thorne directed each group to a waiting area where there were a few tents already set up and a small fire going. Each group would rest until called forward to undergo the 'Test'.
We waited. A guard appeared and came over to the group. "His Lordship has informed me that this team shall go first. You will make your way to the gated entrance. Once ready you will enter the arena where you will deal with what is in front of you as you see fit. Are there any questions? No? Oh yes, Lord Angor Fallavar is present with some of the nobles. They are sure to be interested in how each team performs...." The guard began to walk away but turned his head, "Oh, what is your team called?"
We all turned to looked at each other and then turned back to face him. Silence.
The guard looked and grinned..."Team No Name, I like it." The guard laughed and shook his head as he walked slowly back towards the arena. "You have got five minutes".
I checked my gear. A few minutes later we were ready. We walked up to the old ‘warrior gate’ at the side of the arena. This entrance was open and we made our way through the arched passageway through the wall of the arena and moved into a sloped holding area. The light was dimmed apart from the doorway. There was a large portcullis iron gate at the opposite end at the top of the slope. Clearly the way into the arena.
Nobody spoke. The last guard stood by the entrance. "Once the gate opens, make your way into the arena. Good luck". The guards left closing the door behind him. I looked at the others, "This is it, let's go". The rattle of chains began to echo around the room as the portcullis began to slowly rise towards the ceiling.
We walked forwards up the gentle slope and through the open doorway out into the arena. A small crowd cheered. I squinted to adjust to the light. The Arena was a large dusty oval surrounded on all sides by tiered seating for the spectators. At various points stone pillars reached into the air, no longer supporting a roof, testament to better days. Across the centre there was some sort of chasm that was crossed by central span maybe ten to fifteen foot wide. It cut the arena in half. A natural choke point I thought, the only way to get from one side of the arena to the other. If we could control that crossing, we would have the advantage. Around the edge of the arena, located in the stone walls were similar portcullis type gates to the one we had just come through.
Just as I turned to speak to the others there was the familiar rattle of chains from the opposite end of the arena. The portcullis began to rise. I could hear barking and baying. As soon as the gate was high enough, I could see what was coming. A wolf squeezed out from under the gate. As it force itself under others followed behind it. One looked bigger than the others, the alpha maybe? It snarled and began to run towards us. A great stinking Dire Wolf led a pack of four grey and black wolves as they charge towards us.
I began to move forward with the intention of getting to the small span over the chasm but the wolves were moving much faster. I was not going to make it in time. Talora, Buns, Nyx and Luptus spread out behind me. I wasn't sure what their plan was.... I don't think we discussed a plan it at all. Okay we will improvise I thought. If I could take down the big one the others could deal with rest.
The wolves charged forward over the span. I moved forwards and braced, aiming at the dire wolf as I swung with my greatsword. I could hear the gnome chanting and then felt the heat and roar of bolt of fire as it slammed into another wolf just as Nyx conjured up some sort of arcane boom that echoed around the arena. I then felt Nyx move up alongside me to my left. Buns and Talora were shouting but I couldn't make out what they were saying. As I swung my greatsword at the Dire wolf I glanced across at what they were doing. They were pointing at the wolves. Talora was shaking her head. They were both shouting but they were not going forward. What were they doing? They were not attacking!
The fight continued. Nyx and I were being swarmed by the wolves. I desperately tried to keep the dire wolf from pulling me to the ground as it clamped its jaws around my left leg. What were the others doing? Luptus was having his own fight, busy trying to fend off a lone wolf with a dagger in his hand. Above the sounds and grunts of fighting I heard Talora chanting and pointing across the arena. Another wolf began to form, bathed in a shimmering arcane light. She seemed to be communicating with it as it appeared. It howled, turned and ran towards the gate behind it jumping and biting at the bindings on the gate. Buns was casting some sort of spell and pointing in our direction. I immediately felt stronger. I don't know what he did but the dire wolf was not going to beat me!
On hearing the howling, two of the attacking wolves broke free from the fight and ran back across the arena towards where they had come from. Good, that evened up the odds a little. The dire wolf continued with it’s frenzy attack. Nyx continued to chant and cast another spell which seemed to cause it some damage. The Dire wolf snarled, it’s top lip curling, baring its canine fangs once more. I continued to fight. The dire wolf fought on as was its nature. It was fighting for its life and it knew as did I. I lunged forward with my sword but before it could connect another thunderous boom resonated once again across the arena. The Dire wolf span around and collapsed to the floor onto its side, its tongue falling out of the side of a bloodied mouth as it's finally took its last breaths. There was a small cheer from the crowd. I looked up as Luptus had finished off the last wolf and was shouting across at the crowd, "Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained.....?!"
I looked down at the bloodied Dire wolf. You fought well brother, now rest.
At the opposite end of the arena, the remaining wolves had managed to break the bindings on the gate. Just as they made their bid for freedom several guards with longbows stepped up to the edge of the lower parapet and fired down onto the wolves. They didn't get far.
I turned to the others. I was angry at Buns and Talora. "What was that?" Both replied that they were not going to fight, that they were not going to harm or kill animals that had been trained to fight. It wasn't their fault that they had been imprisoned and forced to fight. I replied angrily, "Well, can you tell me next time before we get into a situation where we are fighting them as I don't want to get killed!"
I looked at Buns the Cleric. I wondered how he had squared away his leather armour with his conscience and principles. He was wearing the skin of another creature...But we would leave that for any time.
The guards entered the arena and began to clear away the carcasses. "You can go back to the tented area and rest or you can make your way up to seating and watch the other teams fight".
Luptus, Nyx and I headed up to where the other spectators were sitting. Sitting slightly away in a separate group sat Lord Fallavar, some noblemen and women, Captain Thorne and some of his bodyguards. We took our places. My leg was sore from where I had been bitten. Let's see how the other groups fared.
Each team fought a similar group of wolves. What came as a surprise was that Kerran Wolfgar and his 'Wolfpack' fought so poorly. In fact, if it hadn't been for the armour that he was wearing he could have been seriously injured or killed. It hadn't gone unnoticed by the others either. Once the final fight had ended, we made our back down to the arena floor and walked back to the tented area. We regrouped and waited.
After a short wait Captain Thorne came over to where we were sat. He smiled. "Lord Fallavar was a little surprised by your un-orthodox methods". He looked at Buns and Talora, "and with that in mind he would like to offer you a second challenge. There will be a reward and you will get to choose first from the tasks that he has on offer. What do you say...?"
We all looked at each other. Nobody was against it.
Captain Thorne smiled, "Good, I'll let Lord Fallavar know. He will be pleased. When you are ready, make your way back to the entry gate." He then shouted across to his guards, "Get the next challenge ready and make sure it's ready to fight".
Slowly, we made our way back to the arena and went in through the same entry gate into the waiting area. Once again, the portcullis gate rose and we walked up the slope into the arena. The same crowd remained, with the other teams also in attendance. We walked into the arena and moved into position and waited to see what was going to come our way. I hoped it was not another group of animals. The sound of rattling chains from across the arena brought me back into focus. I quickly looked around at the others. They were also ready. At least it looked as if they were going to fight.
I drew my greatsword once again. A large gate flew open on the other side of the arena. Out thundered a large and angry Troll. It saw our group straight away and began to move towards us with a loping gait. I waited as did the others, let it come to us. As it approached, I could see that it already looked injured, maybe the guards had already been teasing it, either way it was extremely angry.
It roared as it thundered down towards where I was stood. Looks like I'm going to be the one to try and hold it in position. The Troll loomed over me and attacked clawing and biting as it did so. I swung at the troll hitting full on with my blade slicing into its side. Talora, Nyx, Luptus and Buns then unleashed their arcane powers, hitting the troll with a combination of Ice, acid and fire that quickly brought the troll under control. I don’t think it knew what hit it and it was quickly being overpowered. Buns delivered the killing blow engulfing the troll in flames as it fell to its knees before toppling to the side. I have to admit I was surprised but pleased. Maybe this might work out after all.
The small crowd cheered. Lord Fallavar stood clapping. Captain Thorne shouted down from the stands. "Well done, everyone, well done. If you can all make your way to the tented area, gather your things, and make your way back to the carriages. We will see you all back in the great hall at the keep. Lord Fallavar will speak directly to the teams on your arrival". He leant over to one of his guards. The guard whispered in his ear in response. Throne shouted down again, “ He will see you first, team with no name!"
I looked back at the dead the troll. Not a fair fight brother, now rest. I turned back to the others and smiled, slapping Buns on his back, "let’s get out of here".

Continue reading...

  1. The Keep
    7th day of Spring
  2. The Fighting Pits
    7th day of Spring
  3. The Journey
    7th day of Spring