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Sat 18th Sep 2021 12:46

Alex Ashlock

by Alex Ashlock

Alex was born into the world not knowing the faces of his parents as they were killed by a monster before his eyes had opened. He Lived most of his life as a orphan that was until his teen age years when he went out into the world. During this time he went to the The Celestial Body and after some time there He found out that being part of The Celestial Body was not for him so he left to join the monster hunter guild. After many years in the monster hunter guild his hatred for them slowly grew as he could not keep all of the monster parts from the monsters he'd killed, which he needed for his spells. Then the day came where the new elder made it so that the hunter got nothing but teeth and claws and this caused Alex to snap, he left the guild in anger then at night in the forest near the town he ripped off his guild tattoo, which left a scar that reminds him of hate and anger. Later he met Eric, a dark elf who had a dream of starting a guild. Alex now one without family or home said he would join Eric's guild with the promises that he could keep the monster parts he hunted. Now Alex joins Eric for a job from one Teal. G. Warbucks.