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Thu 4th Nov 2021 01:33

A wild adventure

by Alex Ashlock

I've never been one to write in a journal so let's give it a shot
The last couple of days have been crazy. First we went to T'del to find someone in the diamond heart monastery who know about the statue thing that's we found in a ruin. On are way we found a merchant that sold us a deck if fates,long story short Eric soul got whips away to one of the other countries so we had to go get him.
Finn was about to buy a boat for cheap so we could go get Eric,the reason the boat was sold for so cheap was because of it have a curse of wild magic.we sailed to where Eric's souls was and juts are luck it's was inside a dragon cave. So another story short last remaining dead beast stares member that's we brought along(Idk why but I guess drakon likes him) he kills the dragon and we free Eric so that's good.
When we got back to the ship John drew from the deck of fates and well he's dead now and everyone a little sad now