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2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.

session 3 - edit

by Debee

We made our way to Alburn and stopped at some shops, very rich and we are poor, made out way through a cool forest and then arrived at the college where Magdalena went to and did some research, I went to the bard college and tried to play some drums and play the piano which I wasn't that based at, I lied and almost got in trouble with 6 percussion bards. I then left silently and met up with Kik in the hallway we then went to the library to get Magdalena, we then went to to the center, I had Magdalena punch me and thankfully my angelic side took over and I flew over with lilena she was horrible to fly with. we found out some great things including some people that would know things.
I talked to Willian and couldn't find out anything, he is a man that tries to follow the law and do everything correctly at the moment he has nothing to point that he might be helping get people to the things gild. I offered the watch the boat as he sleeps to see if anyone or things get on, I am doubt full. Magdalena found nothing from the merchant Rodolph Pomada but she will be going back tomorrow night and seeing how he "makes" the magical items. Kik and Lilena went back to the bard college and talked to Miriam Albo the headmaster and she told him that she knows who he is and about Ostia, she gives us a quest to find a legendary bard item, that we don't know if it exists.
William Mous: Steamboat operator
Rodolph Pomada: Merchant specializing in high-quality magic items
Miriam Albo: Head of the Bard's college
ollamh harp

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  1. A new day
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  2. session 3 - edit
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.