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2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.

A new day

by Debee

I woke and got dressed putting my Cloak on and feeling my wings shrink. As I go over to my mirror I see myself and smile give myself a little pep talk. I go over to the corner of my room and wake up and pet Nezzy, I want downstairs and see Yuki sitting at the table eating eggs and having tea, "good morning Debee I made you some eggs and tea" I smile and sit down, I eat pretty quickly as I get to go outside today and can't wait. I finish my food and give Yuki a kiss on the cheek before I get to the door she gives me the same run-down "don't talk to strangers" "if they mention you, leave quickly and quietly" and some of the other rules I am to follow. I open the door and walk straight to the markets, I was given my allowance and want to get some things. I approach a jewelry booth I overhear my other mom's name Pop and perk my ears towards the odd group who mentioned Pop's name.
I sneak over and fade into the crowd listening till I hear them talk about Ostia, that's where Pop, I see an older looking lady and looks familiar in a very weird way, I know I've met her but I feel like I know her, I see a knight with a skateboard on his back and I know his, Pop has told me about this man, he's kinda dumb and childish, I see another younger boy, I say something and they see me, they asked me to talk in an ally, I know the knight so I trust them but I know Yuki is going to be so mad if she finds out I'm talking to strangers. After talking to them for a while, I find out they work alongside Pop and she is back in Carmichael, I feel extremely giddy knowing my mom is back, I know this will make Yuki happy, they have a love that I aspire to have one day... that is if I ever meet a guy that doesn't mind I'm technically a criminal.
I talk with them and get them some different clothes at a booth and take them to Yuki as I know she will help them.

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  1. A new day
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.
  2. session 3 - edit
    2nd Month, 23rd day, 1017 S.E.