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27th of Falls End , 7th Moon Cycle. Era of the Crane.

Gearing up for Jhebal Sag

by Arch Druid Dreidance Kurl

It began in our home of Nature's Rest. I awakened to the sound of chatter from outside my door. I quickly began putting on my robes as i was sleeping indecent. The fresh breeze came in through my windows and i could hear the many sounds of the jungle right outside. Rummaging through my chest, i picked up my bow and sword and i exited my bedroom. The wood creaked under my feet as i walked across it and down the stairs to the main hall. I made haste to the crafting hall as i sensed the presence of my companions there. Across the way i could see the great elevator down to the crafting hall. I walked up into the dangling cage and ran my hand over the iron skull chain, pulling with my strength. The sounds of iron rattling filled the sky as the elevator began moving, like old bones rubbing together. A loud thud and i was off the elevator. many strange sounds were coming through the windows of the two story oak tower before me. I placed my hand on the door and pushed it open. A noticeable and familiar face was behind the door as Rucky the Pixie stood there, merely 3 feet tall. Beside him was Alejandro. Our matching robes at this point were definitely a good idea. We began conversing about what they had experienced while i slept and Alejandro made a comment about us going to the realm of Jhebal Sag. Unknowing to me at the time , i believe it was a joke though as a druid, i took immediate interest. "Yes" i screamed at them, they both looking at me with confusion on their faces. "Let us go into the grotto and prove our strength" I screamed in delight. My companions laughed but agreed and we were off on our first epic adventure together.

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  1. Gearing up for Jhebal Sag
    27th of Falls End , 7th Moon Cycle. Era of the Crane.
  2. Cait
    3rd of Winters Moon. 12th Sun