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3rd of Winters Moon. 12th Sun


by Arch Druid Dreidance Kurl

In the jungle, the wet grass filled the air with a particular scent. I awoke to the sounds of what sounded like singing. I shook my head trying to wake up. My feet fit the cold wooden floor, the same familiar sounds of the jungle echoed inside of my room. I made my way down the stairs and through the door to the elevator. It screeched as it began going downwards. Our mines at this point are far more advanced as they were when we began this journey.
There is was again, this strange sound like someone singing , it was almost mesmerizing. Once on the ground i made my way past the giant tree leading up to the crafting hall. The small elven trees gleamed as i walked past. I did not see Rucky or Alejandro. Puzzled i made my way across the wooden branch of a great tree, a bridge of sorts to our home from the obelisk. I sensed something coming from within the jungle. A strange spiritual connection almost.
I followed the feeling deeper into the jungle. Walking past the dark panthers who lay near the obelisk, waiting their prey. I motioned a wave to them and they began to his and talk about their own personal dramas within their pride. I remember moving past some strange mushrooms that i had taken a mental note to go back to and document. Silly i could not take the alchemist from within myself. I could see the rivers from where i was when i heard a ruffling sound. I quickly turned around and a somewhat average heighted woman appeared from through the bush. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. She seemed quite frightened but before i could utter a word, she spoke. "Oh uhm, Hello there, My names Cait." I smiled at her and i bowed as is tradition and i spoke to her. "Hello there, My name is Dreidance Kurl, I'm the Arch Druid of Natures Rest. " I quickly noticed her glowing eyes, similar to mine. " Pleasure to meet you Master Druid" she spoke. "Are you lost or something?" I asked as i was not used to seeing many visitors in the jungle. "No, im actually just wandering around looking for a place to live." She stated. I could feel something emitting from her, a strange force that seemed quite familiar. "Oh i see, may i ask what race you are?" I questioned as now i was curious about her. "Aye, I am a Fae, dont you see my beautiful wings?" She asked me. Now i was a bit more confused than before. I could not see her wings yet she insisted she had them, was she delusional? Perhaps she had contracted a sickness whilst traveling alone in the jungle. I shrugged it off and i offered her a place amongst us. Before i could utter another word she blurted out that yes, she indeed would love to live with us. She has lots of questions regarding my role and what i did. I remember showing her the shrine to Malagan and she seemed almost drawn to it. I then decided to take her under my wing as my apprentice in service of Malagan.

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    3rd of Winters Moon. 12th Sun