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Olhydra, the Elemental Titan

by Revered Father Darcell Durros

Chaos and mystery continue to plague Esmeltaran. A loud explosion jolted us from our conversation, leading us to the room where Necrom's remains were. There, we were greeted by the bewildering sight of Ellis hurriedly stuffing robes into his bag of holding, insisting that nothing unusual had occurred, and that Necrom simply vanished into thin air. The suspicious circumstances surrounding this event gnaw at our senses, but we had little time to dwell on it.
Mezo overheard a conversation among the others, revealing that the guards had lost contact with their friends and some means of communication had failed. As we further conversed with the sergeant, it became apparent that Necrom had possession of crystals, and that they were in the process of collecting more. We also learned that Aldin had been in the temple of Savris, engrossed in research.
The sergeant's chatter turned to underground tunnels, and we made a crucial decision to venture through them, accompanied by Sorcha, on our way to the armory. The acid rain outside posed a threat, so we seized benches to shield ourselves as we crossed a hazardous clearing. Somehow, we made it to the other side, and our journey through the tunnels commenced.
It quickly became apparent that the tunnels were once used by ogres with ambitions of invading Amn. Haldir requested a stop at the armory for essential equipment. Curiosity piqued, we ventured further to the slide, which. The merriment was disrupted by the arrival of a reddish, bat-like creature – a stirge – which attacked Darcell and Mezo. Quick to react, Darcell summoned his spirit guardians, decimating the attacking stirge swarm and leaving the slide's river stained in crimson.
The tunnels ultimately led us to the temple of Savris, where we hoped to find Alaric. Haldir sensed of divinity surrounded Alaric. He beckoned us to witness a vision. In this vision, we glimpsed a creature submerged in black water, resembling the unsettling visions from the grove. It was revealed that the visions, the inexplicable incursions, and the relentless storm all originate from a formidable elemental titan – Olhydra.
The mysteries of Esmeltaran continue to deepen, and the threat of Olhydra looms large, promising challenges and revelations in the quest for understanding and survival.