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Storm's Fury

by Revered Father Darcell Durros

The tempest raged on as we fled Nix's shop, pelleted by piercing ice shards in the unforgiving storm. Desperation forced us to seek refuge in an abandoned house, where it was apparent that the previous occupants had evacuated in haste. The town, strangely devoid of life, remained eerily silent as we ventured outside to survey the situation.
To our astonishment, the ice was receding, yet the relief was short-lived as the rain that replaced it seemed to be infused with corrosive properties, eating away at the very structure of the house. In a stroke of resourcefulness, Ellis conjured a tiny hut that enveloped us, providing a sanctuary from the relentless acid rain.
As we sheltered within, the storm's fury grew. Lightning illuminated the ominous skies, followed by howling winds, all in an unsettling cycle. Realizing we needed a more secure haven, we made a break for the temple of Milil, hoping to find refuge there.
Upon our arrival, we encountered a barricaded door, behind which cowered a group of scared halflings. Their leader, who introduced himself as the mayor, reluctantly let us in. He spoke of someone named Necrom attempting to defend the town from the elementals, but his efforts appeared in vain. Our concern grew when we learned that Necrom was gravely injured and lay alone in a separate room.
Four of us, Ellis, Mavros, Mezo, and myself, went to attend to Necrom, while Haldir remained with the wary halflings. Seeking to assess their loyalties, Haldir showed them a magical image of the elementals, which momentarily swayed their opinion. However, suspicion soon arose as they realized he used prohibited arcane magic.
Tensions quickly escalated as the sergeant among the halflings attacked Haldir while trying to protect the mayor. In the midst of the chaos, Ellis delivered a lethal strike to Necrom, turning him to dust. His death triggered a potent spell that harmed Ellis, and he claimed to witness what he believed was Necrom's soul departing his body, leaving the ominous suggestion that Necrom might be a lich.
Necrom left behind a wand of paralysis, a troubling memento of our encounter. Just as the guard arrived, we managed to defuse the situation, convincing him of our affiliation with Milil. We discussed the bizarre weather phenomena, the ominous portals, and the unsettling mysteries that surrounded this town. The perilous journey we now face seems to grow even more convoluted and dangerous with each passing moment.