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Fri 16th Apr 2021 04:21

4/1/2021 Session Notes

by Murmer

Session Notes 4-01
• The group had a vision of everything dead B destroyed in the town due to construct
← especially a copper dragon

  • at the end of the vision we heard laughing coming at sounded familiar (questionaire)

  • while the group figured out what to do in the well, Murmer went to draw what she saw and clear her head.
    • finally they descended the well and approached a image of a dragon with eye stock
    and under it was writing in abyssal.
    (come to find out it is so the dead don't come to life)
    Those who can't see in the dark (+ Norbit) stayed there while the others went off to investigate.
    • They encountered skeletons which were easily fought off and the team regrouped and continued forward.
    • Finding scalemail, helms & shortswords.
  • Ambrose found gems

  • • The group then carefully moved down a trapped hallway into another hall that ended in water.
  • The boy was in the water

  • still cant find girl

  • • Rescued the boy out of the water
    • Murmer stayed with him as the group continued on
    • She heard a scream and went to the room to find a bunch snails and on big one that died.
  • Once the other were done she went back to watch the boy.

  • The group thoroughly investigated the area and could not find the girl
    • They went back to take the boy back and upon exit the tomb vanished which caused a lot of water to rush back in.
    • The well now has water
    • Leaving the well the boy said something about "Leaving this meat suit"
    and smoke left him.
    End of Night

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