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Fri 16th Apr 2021 04:23

4/15/2020 session notes

by Murmer

  • seems like the town knows more than they are letting on.

  • son is Aasimir

  • Daughter is Teifling

  • that seems important

  • There is a priest named Gavin Nazaro at the house.

  • he brought the daughter back.

  • The girl tells the group that the mouse hired the kids to get a book.

  • Book was delivered (by girl) Boy got book from sarcofagus but was possessed.
  • Murmer got upset at the priest and walked off.

  • She did not like how pushy the priest was

  • On their way to the inn the mayor cuts the group off.

  • Murmer leaves feeling uncomfortable.

  • The rooms were on the mayor that night

  • Murmer gets a room and goes to it to draw.

  • The group stays to talk to the mayor & Cleric

  • Murmer asked the inn keeper about any special smokes she might have

  • No but she will keep an eye out.

  • The group returned to the Inn, though Murmer is unaware

  • Break

  • The group also checked the items that were bought most of them were fake.

  • The next morning shadow described the mouse teleporting.

  • and that the shadow possessing the boy went North-East

  • Ambrose goes to check the area where due mouse merchant was.

  • He is casting detect magic

  • Murmer stays

  • The rest go to talk to the child (boy)

  • Ambrose doesn't find much except that Tei r's horse has abdjuration magic on it.

  • The group leaves the town to head back to the carrivan.

  • there is a dead guy in the road

  • lyric casts fly on Ambrose

  • Ambrose flys around

  • The group hears a horrific scream.

  • The group finds a creepy looking creature eating heads.

  • -when murmer approaches her crystal focus gets warm.
  • Murmer's focus absorbs the crystals on the

  • creature's body and the wounds on shadow Chaser.
  • Lyric healed shadow Chaser

  • Thoughts for next game:

  • Search body

  • Talk to Ambrose about the crystal

  • Thank Lyric For standing up for her.

  • Continue reading...