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Fri 23rd Oct 2020 08:04

Session 1 - A New Job: To Deal with Gangsters

by Farilind Ginseminour (Deceased)

Farilind snuck out of the kitchen in the middle of the night, carefully putting the hidden trapdoor back in its frame, and back to his room. He rested for the night, then headed tried to see if he could find the stocks.
Within in an hour, Farilind found someone, an ex-guard, who was able to point him directly to the stocks.
Farilind arrives at the stone building described by the friendly ex-guard he met on the streets this morning. Two guards stood in front of a heavy wood door, arms crossed, cudgels at their waists.
“Hail, good men. It's my understanding that one Oni the dwarf has gotten himself in trouble. He pestered me last night; I was wondering if I might speak to him about a few of my belongings that have gone missing?”
The guards nod, and one of them pushes the heavy door open. Farilind enters into a room full of stocks. Two of them were occupied. Oni the dwarf, and a large, scruffy human. A guard sat at a desk near the door, chewing at his fingernails.
“Hey Oni.” The dwarf leers upwards at the elf. He's standing on a bucket to keep from hanging on the stocks by his neck and wrists. “I found a note in your room. Who hired you to create those distractions?”
“I uhh... I dunno what you're talking about.” He says, wincing as a toe slipped off the bucket. “I was jus' stayin' at the bar, ran out o' coin, an' was tryna draw it ou' as long as I coul.”
“Don't play stupid here, Oni. I literally found a letter in your room. Addressed to you. It specified that you were to create a distraction for several days.” His voice drops to a whisper. “I found dead bodies buried under the kitchen floor. Did you know you were involved in that? I need to know who hired you.”
The dwarf's eyes widen. “They were murderers?” And water started to pool in his eyes. “They didn' tell me what they was doin'. Jus' that I could drink as much as I wanted. Pay well for 'sufficient' distractions, they said.” He uses his fingers to put quotes around the word sufficient. “I worked the harbor. Lost me job because I forgot to load a crate--a valuable, important crate--and was scrapin' by on the streets. A dark-skinned mountain of a man with fierce green eyes clapped his hand on me shoulder an' directed me to an alley. Said he coul' make me life better. Get mah feet back on the ground. Gave me some coin to sleep in a bed. Woke up with that letter in me room.”
“Nothing else? No names? Locations?”
The dwarf shook his head. Farilind sighed. “Time's up.” The guard called. “Get out of here.” Farilind left the building, asked the guard where an investigator might get a job, and headed to the Peoples' Watch, arriving midafternoon.
He walked inside the building. More guards. A several more civilian-types, like himself. Less muscle, more brains. A woman asked how she could help him. Farilind said he'd like to report a crime. And possibly get a job. He puts on his professional best smile.
The woman seems to cling his every word, then takes him back, passed some manned desks, and into an office. “Sir.” She says as she opens the wooden door, a glass pane on its top. “Farilind has something to report. ...And he'd like a job. I think you should hire him.”
The sir was a dark-skinned man. Tall, with black hair in impressive dreads. A steel cudgel rest on his hip. Farilind shared everything he'd seen.
“I'm impressed... Farilind, was it? We weren't aware of it. I wish you had brought this attention to us before investigating yourself, however...” He paused, giving the elf a hard stare. “Only reason I'm not throwing you out now is because Remi never recommends someone. You've got yourself a job--contract to hire, mind you. We'll see how you do on your first few missions before we really consider you. We've got a small gang widening their borders. They're causing some problems on the docks in the early morning. They're a minor nuisance, so we haven't had the resources to send them running with their tails in between their legs yet. Mostly young kids. Report back when you've whipped them into shape. Obviously, no killing. We don't operate that way.”
Farilind went down to docks, scoping out good areas where thugs might ambush unsuspecting workers.
He marks 4 or 5 places he feels would be excellent places, then returns to his room. Early the next morning, long before the sun rises, he's down at the docks. He hides in a place where's got a clear view of all the locations he identified, but he himself is concealed.
After about an hour, the first dock workers arrived, wheeling crates around on dollies, carrying barrels and sacks...
Farilind spotted some younger adults and older kids climbing out of a crate near on of his identified spots. He cursed at himself for missing the grate. Then praised himself for being right. The boys pulled out daggers, spoke for a moment with their heads together, then split up. Likely to make some workers' lives miserable. So they didn't ambush. They just used their daggers to intimidate them. One boy snuck behind a man carrying a barrel, then pointed his dagger against the man's back. There appeared to be an exchange of words, and the worker cautiously placed the barrel down and knelt down. That's when Farilind's arrow zipped through the air.
The arrow slammed into the young boy's right clavicle. He looked at the tip protruding through to his front and collapsed. Farilind was pretty confident the boy couldn't handle the sight of an arrow sticking out of his flesh and passed out. That wasn't a lethal shot.
Farilind ducked again behind his crate, checking to see if any of the boy's friends noticed the arrow strike.
He doesn't appear to have been seen and can still identify the others. Though they're a bit too far away to comfortable shoot with the accuracy needed to not kill them.
So the elf approached two young men who were shoving a couple of workers around. When Farilind arrived, they had just pushed one into the harbor's water. Farilind struck at one of them from behind with his dagger's pommel.
The pommel cracks against the side of one of the gangster's head, and he toppled to the ground unconscious.
The other gangster stood there shocked, and Farilind drove his fist into the kid's stomach before choking him unconscious.
Farilind helped the man out of the water, who thanked him, and then Farilind looked to get eyes on the last two groups.
Another kid messing with a worker. He pushed a man from behind, who had 2 crates in his arms. As he was going to kick the man, Farilind snuck up behind him and struck him in the back of the head. He stumbled to the ground. Farilind then grabbed the gangster and choked him out. He dodged into a side alley, hoping to get the surprise on the last group.
Farilind lets an arrow fly, thinking he had a perfect shot. But the gangster stopped suddenly, and he overshot. The arrow whipped through the air, just above the gangster's right shoulder. He looked back towards Farilind, just as he ducked back behind the corner.
The gangster looks around, trying to find his attacker, but to no avail. Farilind spins around the corner and lets another arrow fly, this one striking the young man in the thigh. He stifles a yelp of pain and then hobbles forward, hoping to return punishment.
The gangster, despite the wound in his leg, presses on via adrenaline. He catches Farilind with a nasty gash on his torso. The momentum of the gangster's strike, however, created an opening that Farilind seized, slamming the pommel of his dagger into the man's neck, dropping him unconscious.
Farilind, having thwarted and whipped these gangsters, mostly unseen, returned to the 'Sir'. He received five pieces of gold for his efforts, a large amount of surprise, and a mission to do the same thing tomorrow.
The next morning came, and Farilind was at his original spot. He wasn't sure what happened to the gangster he'd whipped the night before but... Sure enough, they had sent others up. Different ones this time. Well. Here goes round two.
Farilind snuck behind the first gangster of the morning and quickly dispatched him. He pulled him in alley to do so, as he supposed they might be more attentive today.
Taking advantage of the distraction of the bird's bombing, Farilind dashed towards the two gangsters, kidney shotting one and throat punching the one who had been bird-bombed. He drug the two behind some crates.
He caught sight of two other gangsters sneaking about, trying to find any trace of a mysterious stalker. But... there backs were to him. Farilind surprised the first by cupping his mouth, then hammering his dagger hilt against he man's cranium. His eyes fluttered and then slipped from consciousness. The second gangster fell silently to a kidney shot.
The final two gangsters caught sight of the unconscious bodies of their friends. They ran up, looking around for their predator, but Farilind managed to slip behind some crates, unseen.
Another brutal barrage of surprise blows fell the final gangsters. After a second day of heavy numbers downed, Farilind would be surprised if they showed up again tomorrow. They'll likely have all sorts of stories to tell about the brief flashes of an elf annihilating their little groups in seconds, appearing from seemingly no where. To be honest, Farilind was a little tickled. Today had gone by much better than yesterday. Not one spotted him before fell on them like an eagle on its prey. He returned and gave a report on his efforts, to which his potential employer smiled broadly, gave him his coins, and promised another job. This one a bit more promising than before.
Discord Link: Session 1 - A New Job: To Deal with Gangsters

Continue reading...

  1. Session 1 - A New Job: To Deal with Gangsters
  2. Session 0 - Arrival
  3. Session 2 - Captured
  4. Session 3: Burn Burns with Evidence