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Tue 3rd Nov 2020 07:57

Session 2 - Captured

by Farilind Ginseminour (Deceased)

Farilind reported to the Sabre Bastion early in the morning after whipping the gangsters down at the docks. He met up with Graran for his next job, trying to hide the excitement on his face.
“Ah, good morning, Farilind.” He rubs his hands together and gestures for Farilind to sit. “This job is a fun one. Graham Burns, a local lord has been publicly slandering one of his lesser peers, Gerim Veg. Gerim has had some documents drawn up complaining about Lord Burns for various reasons: capturing and holding Lord Veg's personnel against their will, jabs at slavery, claims that people are being harmed, etc. We've heard some rumors that things might be a bit nastier than even Lord Veg has proclaimed. Burns refuses outside investigation but his social weight far ousts Veg's, so it looks like Veg has picked a fight he can't win. At least, not without the right evidence.” He smiles. “You've proven yourself invaluable in being unseen. We need that. I need you to sneak into Burns' estate while he's away attending the Vazaret Banquet and attempt to identify something we can use as incriminating and damning evidence that Burns is guilty. Then, and only then, do we have the right to ignore his demands and march for justice.”
“Neat. I can definitely do that. No deaths?”
The intimidating man nods. “No deaths. We'll supply you with some poison you can use to coat your blade or soak with a rag. It can work effectively if it enters the bloodstream or is inhaled. If you encounter any individuals who notice your presence, use it. It should aid in sending them into unconsciousness and erasing the last few moments from their memory, thereby eliminating your appearance from their memories.”
“Very nice. When do I go? Tonight?”
He nods. “Annika will provide the poison, replenish your arrows, some tools and other supplies. You'll be masked. Good luck, Farilind.”
Farilind excused himself from Graran's office and stopped by Annika on the way out. As promised, she supplied him with a dark mask with eye slits. It would cover his upper face, leaving his nose and mouth bare. She also gave him several vials with clear liquid, the poison. Some tools for picking locks, and extra arrows, their tips crafted to cause as little physical damage as possible.
Soon, it was evening. The Vazaret Banquet was starting, and Burns should already have left his manor. Farilind worked his way through the city before finding Burns' estate.
On his way, Farilind passes a group of protestors outside the city hall.
Farilind wasn't able to glean much from the protestors, however. But apparently some outer township was experiencing some conflict with hags. They kept chanting “Kill the hags! Kill the hags!” Farilind continued, arrived outside of the Burns' estate, continued a little further and dawned his mask.
He found a hidden spot to scale the wall and drop into Burns' gardens.
Two guards stood near the only door back inside. The garden grounds weren't very large, maybe 50-feet square. There were some windows, but there's little chance he could slip through those without being seen. He draws on of his odd-tipped arrows and releases it at a guard.
His arrows struck with deadly accuracy. Annika said they were designed to trick the brain into thinking the damage done was excruciating and fatal, though no real bodily damage was done. Farilind doesn't really understand it... But when he went to retrieve his arrows, he noticed they barely broke the skin. And the men were still breathing. Shrugging, he slipped into the door, leading into a passageway.
Farilind snuck up behind the guard, pulled a cloth drenched in the poison out of his pocket, and shoved it into the man's face. He squirmed for a moment before falling limp. Farilind gently placed him on the ground and hurried ahead.
Farilind came across what appeared to be the barracks. Great. He peered in and saw three men; two playing dice, and one reading on his bed. They weren't far away from their fallen comrades... But if Farilind could defeat these fellows and place them all on their beds, unconscious, that would lower suspicions when they all woke up, knocked out at their guard positions. It would be easy to write off as some drinking game if they woke in their beds. Gulping, Farilind nocked his bow.
His shot thuds into the headboard, next to the man reading. He leaps up in surprise, snapping his book closed, and pulls out his club.
Farilind steps into the last few moments of his life. He gets clobbered by a mace, smashing his nose. He manages to cut the man who had been on the bed, and he collapses, nicking another in the arm. The remaining two guards, however, punished Farilind. He caught a blow to the head, and all went black.
Discord Link: Session 2 - Captured